Saturday, October 30, 2010
How it all started..
Hard Times. Looking back I cant believe I let myself come to that. It was a very sad and difficult part of my life. I hid in my house for the first few months after I gave birth, embarassed and humiliated. My journey began 4 months after giving birth- I was sobbing on my closet floor with nothing to wear- sick and tired of wearing maternity clothes.
So, I set out for the perfect diet. Going from one to the next. I started- maybe lasted a week or two- but ultimately couldn't keep up and didnt have the stamina for rigid calorie counting or carb restricting. I had a newborn and I needed energy. I needed to face the reality of my life, having a family to care for- yet also face the reality that I was 20 and weighed over 200 lbs.
The gym was Plan B. I ate whatever I needed for energy, and decided to focus on my workouts. When baby went to sleep at night, I hit the gym. I knew nothing. Do I start in this room or in that room? On this machine or that machine? Should I use the machine? Use weights? How heavy? How long? I was sick and tired of following other peoples preachings of what worked for them.My diet failures were haunting me and I decided to do it on my own. Try it out. Take baby steps and track my progress. So I did. Every night I watched other members, watched trainers, and tried anything and everything I felt would be beneficial. Some worked- some didnt. I started understanding the way my body worked and what types of exercises worked for me. If I absolutely dreading doing something- I forgot about it and never looked back. I needed the gym to be a pleasant expirience for me, one that I looked forward to- and not cringe at the thought of. I took my time, educated myself, became friends with all the trainers at my gym and learned everything I could just by watching them. It was their suggestion I get certified and share my knowledge with others. I did just that- got nationally certified- applied everything I learned to my own weight loss journey and succeeded. I did it slow, it took a very long year- but I committed myself to changing my life.
At first, I made myself do 45 minutes a night of cardio for 5 straight days. Whatever it was. It could be one machine, two machines, 3 machines, whatever. I stuck only to that for two weeks. Weight slowly came off. I added in some weight training. Ok- 3 nights cardio- 2 nights weights. More weight came off. Hmm- more weights? More cardio? Take a day off? Yoga? Classes? Through my journey, I've tried so many things and continue to try new things. One of the most valuable things I feel is important for every woman to know is that there is no one size fits all formula for working out. To each their own- but commit to what you chose- and ENJOY doing it.
During that process I learned all about nutrition and the different foods we eat. We all form different eating habits, and I knew when I needed more energy- more food- and where I could cut back slightly. I monitored my weight. I wrote in a journal everday- since the beginning I have always been very strict during the week and let myself relax over the weekend. I dont "diet". I have my way of eating and I enjoy healthy food. I will cut back on certain things if I feel the need to, and add when I feel I dont have enough energy. I love big portions, lots of food, good food- and take that all into account when creating my eating lifestyle.
I like my carbs in the morning. I get my workouts done in the morning so I could use all the energy I can get. I've found that oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and brown rice are the carbs that fill me up more than others. I dont like fish but I love chicken and taught myself so many different ways of cooking it. I know that I have days I cant look at chicken so I have alternatives when I need it. I know I'm a snacker and what foods are my weaknesses. I prepare my food, prepare myself- and know what I need to do in order to eat well that week.
I committed myself 3 years ago. I'm at a comfortable weight, and have remained at that weight since I got there (minus the second pregnancy). I learn new things each day about myself and my fitness journey..and the more I learn the more I love. I've never been comfortable with status quo- or mediocore. Go big or go in closing after all my preaching..if you believe you can do something- and put in the work to get there- you'll do it..and if you dont believe you can do it- then screw that and prove yourself wrong!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pass the lettuce please
Busy Busy day..finally a moment to breathe- just got Sarah down for a nap. We're sleep training her (again- about the 4th time) and its been a rough couple of nights.
I'm finished with clients for the week- this morning I worked out with 2 clients and then met a friend for a run in this dirt path. She tells me she found this amazing one hour run with insane hills- ups and downs- the first 30 min is torture and then it gets easier...Ok, I try it. Not only try it- I brought Sarah in her stroller. I was dying, sweating, it was hot and dry outside, but I couldnt stop. I'm too competitive- and if she's running- I'm running. So thanks for that my feet are shaking..
I came across this great article the other day. It talks about America's obsession with Fad Diets. Interesting how we live in a country where 2/3 are overweight and 1/3 are obese- yet so many Americans fall in this Fad Diet trap. Why? Simple- a quick fix. We think that in 3 days we can turn over years of bad eating, bad choices, poor exercise and voila' 3 days later we will turn into a hot skinny goddess. Really now? Let's get real. This article goes deeper into the topic but here a few thoughts I found interesting..
"Eric Oliver, associate professor in political science at the University of Chicago, reports that American values consider being overweight a sign of laziness and being thin a mark of higher social status. He argues that millions of Americans are putting their health at risk with fad diets, dangerous drugs, or extreme surgeries like gastric-bypass."
With trends like the low-carb craze of the 1970s, the low-fat diet of the 1980s, the Weight Watchers and Slim Fast popularity of the 1990s, the Cookie Diet, Quick Trim (endorsed by the infamous Kardashian sisters), and the Master Cleanse today, Americans’ diet preference changes with the decade.
“Most individuals want cutting-edge solutions for weight loss, and fad diets offer, at least on the surface, ‘new’ ways to beat the boring mathematical reality of long-term weight loss,” noted Robin Steagall, nutrition communications manager for the Calorie Control Council.
Education is key to overturning Americans’ obsession with quick-fix diets.
I'll post soon my Success Story with some really ugly before photos..but point is- Fad Diets will get you no where. I have done them many times, and yes they're fun once you've reached your goal weight to try and look your best for an event- but as a solution to weight loss struggles- its not the answer. Its a quick fix that'lll turn around and bite you in the a$$.
Shabbat Shalom Folks!
I'm finished with clients for the week- this morning I worked out with 2 clients and then met a friend for a run in this dirt path. She tells me she found this amazing one hour run with insane hills- ups and downs- the first 30 min is torture and then it gets easier...Ok, I try it. Not only try it- I brought Sarah in her stroller. I was dying, sweating, it was hot and dry outside, but I couldnt stop. I'm too competitive- and if she's running- I'm running. So thanks for that my feet are shaking..
I came across this great article the other day. It talks about America's obsession with Fad Diets. Interesting how we live in a country where 2/3 are overweight and 1/3 are obese- yet so many Americans fall in this Fad Diet trap. Why? Simple- a quick fix. We think that in 3 days we can turn over years of bad eating, bad choices, poor exercise and voila' 3 days later we will turn into a hot skinny goddess. Really now? Let's get real. This article goes deeper into the topic but here a few thoughts I found interesting..
"Eric Oliver, associate professor in political science at the University of Chicago, reports that American values consider being overweight a sign of laziness and being thin a mark of higher social status. He argues that millions of Americans are putting their health at risk with fad diets, dangerous drugs, or extreme surgeries like gastric-bypass."
It’s not news that fad diets are unsuccessful over the long term. Time and time again, studies show that people who yo-yo diet are more likely to gain more weight after their diet is over than if they didn’t diet at all.
With trends like the low-carb craze of the 1970s, the low-fat diet of the 1980s, the Weight Watchers and Slim Fast popularity of the 1990s, the Cookie Diet, Quick Trim (endorsed by the infamous Kardashian sisters), and the Master Cleanse today, Americans’ diet preference changes with the decade.
“Most individuals want cutting-edge solutions for weight loss, and fad diets offer, at least on the surface, ‘new’ ways to beat the boring mathematical reality of long-term weight loss,” noted Robin Steagall, nutrition communications manager for the Calorie Control Council.
Education is key to overturning Americans’ obsession with quick-fix diets.
I'll post soon my Success Story with some really ugly before photos..but point is- Fad Diets will get you no where. I have done them many times, and yes they're fun once you've reached your goal weight to try and look your best for an event- but as a solution to weight loss struggles- its not the answer. Its a quick fix that'lll turn around and bite you in the a$$.
Shabbat Shalom Folks!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mix n Match
I wrote on Tuesday night that I was going to to work on some new workout moves to incorporate into my routines along with my clients. I have been trying to get into the Yoga groove and decided to throw in some Yoga into my usual non stop, go big or go home style workouts.
So, the workout starts off with
Walking out push ups- then immediately into T-stands and now holding the T-stands 15 seconds each side
Front lunge- 15 reps-into warrior 1 pose holding for 30 seconds- repeat second side
Weighted Plie squat-touching floor with weights and coming into chest fly
Flog Leg sit up
Full sit ups
Reverse Crunch
Tricep Dip, hold 15 at the end
Downward dog to tricep Push up
In between each circuit I threw in 3 min high energy cardio of 60 second jumping jacks, 60 jump squats, 60 jump lunges..Was a fun challenge- especially after your muscles are screaming from performing the exercise-then you make em hold it for 15 seconds- they really start shaking and its all about breathing till the finish.
Food yesterday was grapefruit, green tea, P.P and coffee. I did this workout Tues night and then again Wed morning. I needed to buy a Book at Barnes and Noble- was ready to put babes in car and drive over there..but it was so nice out, so why not jog it..was definately a challenge that I'm not sure I'd do again..there were lotsa hills and when I jog with baby I prefer flat terrain- but try something new right?? Was worth it when I got there- had another coffee- my Misto-well earned!
Lunch was chicken, sweet potatoes, brown rice..had apple and popcorn for snacking, then dinner I made a good chicken- I liked..
Take Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Dip in egg
Roll in Chopped Pistachios
Bake in oven at 400 for 40-50 min..and then I made a sauce with onion soup mix, soy sauce, honey, water, salt and pepper that I served over it..
Had that with brown rice, butternut squash, and green beans..
Again- carb loading this week..I always seem to fall into that trap..gonna try to eliminate them after breakfast today..we'll see how that goes..
Today is yoga- I'm looking forward.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Get comfortable with being "Uncomfortable"
You get how the picture connects right? Yet we all do it (most of us at least) Those high heelers- they kill- we ache- we smile- sweat- cry-but stride on proudly yet so adamant that "they are actually really comfortable"...BOLLUCKS! (As the Englishmen say- take it as you wish). We're all guilty of this, pain is beauty right? Yet why is it so hard for some of us to lace up our sneakers- get out there and sweat?
For me, it was the needing of "instant gratification"..Its very hard to commit to something, put in hours of hard work, restrain, restrict, run, press, jump, squat repeat, yet all for the hopes that in a few weeks or months it pays off. So where to go from here? I cant give answers I havent actually tried..again this isnt factual its all based on my own trials and errors. Setting small goals have always worked for me..even if its something thats not so significant but in the long run- it will help you get to your ultimate goal which is highly significant so tough it out a bit in the begining wont ya??
Now lets get to that comfort thing..a lot of us are "creatures of habit"..We get so comfortable doing something- whatever it is- that changing is hard. I've been so used to an old crappy Blackberry and everytime I tried to switch wether it be an Iphone, a new blackberry- anything I just couldnt do it. I would always refer back to my piece of junk that shut down on me every 4 minutes. Theres a level of reassurance when its comes to things were so used to- and a fear of the unknown and foreign territory when we venture out into something new. But where would we be if we all stuck to what we are comfortable with? So, I've tried Yoga. Its very different to what I'm used to- and such a challenge in so many ways. It makes me stop, concentrate, relax, stretch..all the things I never do- dont feel comfortable doing- but tell myself that 2 hours a week I MUST DO IT. So ye, its learning to get comfortable in an uncomfortable situations. Trying new things. You may love it, you may hate it..but you tried. So, adapt that to your fitness lifestyle..there are so many things out there to learn and love. Dancing, kick boxing, karate, zumba, krav maga, running, sprinting, swimming, tennis, basketball, spinning, biking, hiking, yoga, pilates, yogalates, hip hop, barre classes, rollerblading- u get my drift. Have fun with it, let it be new and exciting, and learn new things about yourself and the whole active world out there thats just waiting to be discovered.
Oh, and I've recently switched to the Blackberry Torch- and love it...
So- whats next? Hmm..maybe socializing?
For me, it was the needing of "instant gratification"..Its very hard to commit to something, put in hours of hard work, restrain, restrict, run, press, jump, squat repeat, yet all for the hopes that in a few weeks or months it pays off. So where to go from here? I cant give answers I havent actually tried..again this isnt factual its all based on my own trials and errors. Setting small goals have always worked for me..even if its something thats not so significant but in the long run- it will help you get to your ultimate goal which is highly significant so tough it out a bit in the begining wont ya??
Now lets get to that comfort thing..a lot of us are "creatures of habit"..We get so comfortable doing something- whatever it is- that changing is hard. I've been so used to an old crappy Blackberry and everytime I tried to switch wether it be an Iphone, a new blackberry- anything I just couldnt do it. I would always refer back to my piece of junk that shut down on me every 4 minutes. Theres a level of reassurance when its comes to things were so used to- and a fear of the unknown and foreign territory when we venture out into something new. But where would we be if we all stuck to what we are comfortable with? So, I've tried Yoga. Its very different to what I'm used to- and such a challenge in so many ways. It makes me stop, concentrate, relax, stretch..all the things I never do- dont feel comfortable doing- but tell myself that 2 hours a week I MUST DO IT. So ye, its learning to get comfortable in an uncomfortable situations. Trying new things. You may love it, you may hate it..but you tried. So, adapt that to your fitness lifestyle..there are so many things out there to learn and love. Dancing, kick boxing, karate, zumba, krav maga, running, sprinting, swimming, tennis, basketball, spinning, biking, hiking, yoga, pilates, yogalates, hip hop, barre classes, rollerblading- u get my drift. Have fun with it, let it be new and exciting, and learn new things about yourself and the whole active world out there thats just waiting to be discovered.
Oh, and I've recently switched to the Blackberry Torch- and love it...
So- whats next? Hmm..maybe socializing?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Chocolate Chips, "LEAVE ME ALONE"
Ohhhhh yesterday yesterday yesterday...I blame it on you ask? Allow me to explain..
I have a pantry full of food- A very deep and wide pantry that needs constant upkeep cuz I can never find anything- hence the millions of trips to the supermarket for that last minute item when its really just sitting nicely back there in the closet waiting to be used. I keep telling myself to get those pull out drawers- I will soon enough-but until then the weekly emptying out the entire closet and putting things back neatly will just have to do. But it hasnt been weekly..or monthly..sadly I cannot remember the last time I did it. Sooooo- Sunday night it was time.
Amongst the millions of things I discovered- I came across bags and bags of chocolate chips..I put em nicely in a big ziploc and shoved them in the freezer...and thats how it all started..
Monday morning I had my usual breakfast- workout-errands..everything was going so well and then I remembered that I have this huge bag of cold crunchy chocolate chips just sitting in the freezer. So, every now and then I would come and take "just a handful". For lunch I decided to have another protein pancake and decided to throw in "just a handful" of chocolate chips. For a snack I wanted pretzels and what better with pretzels than chocolate chips! The entire day this devil of a bag was haunting me, tormenting me, and "handfuls" turned into heaping buckets..I finished it off with a late night snack or pretzels, raisins, and chocolate chips (hands down best mixture ever) and I vow never to look at chocolate chips again for the rest of the week.
My dinner last night, bag of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, chicken, craisins, and walnuts. With lemon, garlic shallot dressing. I had it with sweet potato, and brown rice not pictured cuz really didnt look appetizing!
So this morning I got Sarah in the stroller, met a friend and her dog for a walk- was a nice morning stroll..
No better feeling!
Today's workout will be yoga and intervals tonight. I'm coming up with some new exercises tonight so gonna test em out in my gym..stay tuned!
I have a pantry full of food- A very deep and wide pantry that needs constant upkeep cuz I can never find anything- hence the millions of trips to the supermarket for that last minute item when its really just sitting nicely back there in the closet waiting to be used. I keep telling myself to get those pull out drawers- I will soon enough-but until then the weekly emptying out the entire closet and putting things back neatly will just have to do. But it hasnt been weekly..or monthly..sadly I cannot remember the last time I did it. Sooooo- Sunday night it was time.
Amongst the millions of things I discovered- I came across bags and bags of chocolate chips..I put em nicely in a big ziploc and shoved them in the freezer...and thats how it all started..
Monday morning I had my usual breakfast- workout-errands..everything was going so well and then I remembered that I have this huge bag of cold crunchy chocolate chips just sitting in the freezer. So, every now and then I would come and take "just a handful". For lunch I decided to have another protein pancake and decided to throw in "just a handful" of chocolate chips. For a snack I wanted pretzels and what better with pretzels than chocolate chips! The entire day this devil of a bag was haunting me, tormenting me, and "handfuls" turned into heaping buckets..I finished it off with a late night snack or pretzels, raisins, and chocolate chips (hands down best mixture ever) and I vow never to look at chocolate chips again for the rest of the week.
My dinner last night, bag of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, chicken, craisins, and walnuts. With lemon, garlic shallot dressing. I had it with sweet potato, and brown rice not pictured cuz really didnt look appetizing!
So this morning I got Sarah in the stroller, met a friend and her dog for a walk- was a nice morning stroll..
No better feeling!
Today's workout will be yoga and intervals tonight. I'm coming up with some new exercises tonight so gonna test em out in my gym..stay tuned!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Weekend Round-up
Nothing like a weekend with good appetites- lotsa food-family and the all too often sitting around the table talking, eating, and not realizing how much you're actually eating. Then, the Saturday night trip to Shnitzily where I order a health salad..but that health salad turns into half of everyone elses food and a surprise on the house sweet potatoes fries- and when something is on the house- you just cant not eat it..double negative= positive..u must eat them- all of them! They were damn worth it!
So Sunday was early morning Yoga..would u look at that??!! Then the stocking up of the house..Trader Joes, Supersal, Costco...I got lotsa fruits, veggies, coffee, proteins, sweet potato, butternut squash, snacks for lunches, milks, cheese, breads, almond butter, diet coke, water, pickles..etc
I prepped everything Sunday cuz I had some time and why not..I had some egg whites left over so I didnt need to do that just yet but heres a glimpse..
My Proteins- I buy the chicken with the skin on it b/c I feel that when you cook it with the skin it keeps the chicken juicier and more flavorful, I put salt and Herbs De Provence on top, cook at 475 for 30 min then lower to 350 and cook another hour slightly covered..I have the chicken breast for quick grilling and for tomorrow's dinner for the fam..
Chicken ready to go..
Lemons for the Tea in the morning and big sweet potatoes for chopping and roasting..I wash, chop, sprinkle with cinammon and cook at 400 for 45 minutes..
Sweet Potatoes ready to go..
Brown rice ready to go..
Veggie Drawer..
Fruit Drawer..
Cauliflower ready to roast..
Diet Coke and Pickle Fix..
So Sundays eating was P.P for breakfast, apple for snack, chicken sweet potato, cauliflower for lunch, salad with chicken, cranberries, walnuts, and balsamic vinagrette for dinner, grapefruit for late night snack..did intense workout in garage once kids were asleep..
Sit up, walk out, push up, squat and shoulder press
Walking lunges with weighted twist
Inverted Rows
Leg lifts
Russian Twists
Plie' Squat press
Closed grip bicep curls
Tricep Extentions
Jump lunges
Monday's breakfast is grapefruit, green tea- 1 hour walk in the hills with friends and babies, and then P.P with nap time, kitchen, laundry, dinner prep..arghh..I can do this..bring it
So Sunday was early morning Yoga..would u look at that??!! Then the stocking up of the house..Trader Joes, Supersal, Costco...I got lotsa fruits, veggies, coffee, proteins, sweet potato, butternut squash, snacks for lunches, milks, cheese, breads, almond butter, diet coke, water, pickles..etc
I prepped everything Sunday cuz I had some time and why not..I had some egg whites left over so I didnt need to do that just yet but heres a glimpse..
My Proteins- I buy the chicken with the skin on it b/c I feel that when you cook it with the skin it keeps the chicken juicier and more flavorful, I put salt and Herbs De Provence on top, cook at 475 for 30 min then lower to 350 and cook another hour slightly covered..I have the chicken breast for quick grilling and for tomorrow's dinner for the fam..
Chicken ready to go..
Lemons for the Tea in the morning and big sweet potatoes for chopping and roasting..I wash, chop, sprinkle with cinammon and cook at 400 for 45 minutes..
Sweet Potatoes ready to go..
Brown rice ready to go..
Veggie Drawer..
Fruit Drawer..
Cauliflower ready to roast..
Diet Coke and Pickle Fix..
So Sundays eating was P.P for breakfast, apple for snack, chicken sweet potato, cauliflower for lunch, salad with chicken, cranberries, walnuts, and balsamic vinagrette for dinner, grapefruit for late night snack..did intense workout in garage once kids were asleep..
Sit up, walk out, push up, squat and shoulder press
Walking lunges with weighted twist
Inverted Rows
Leg lifts
Russian Twists
Plie' Squat press
Closed grip bicep curls
Tricep Extentions
Jump lunges
Monday's breakfast is grapefruit, green tea- 1 hour walk in the hills with friends and babies, and then P.P with nap time, kitchen, laundry, dinner prep..arghh..I can do this..bring it
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Q and A 2
Can you recommend a good workout that can be done at home?
A few years ago I came across this workout on the web and its always been my go to workout when I need to get in something quick and effective. It's easy yet challenging, and can be modified to meet any fitness level. You also need no equipment at all which is always great! I use it a lot when I'm traveling- can easily be done in a hotel room or any area with enough room for you to move around..
I have such a sweet tooth, what can I eat thats healthy but also satisfies my sweet tooth?
Hmm- sugar free candies...frozen grapes..sweet fruits...sugar free fat free jellos or pudding...craisins...sorbets..dried fruit...coconut milk ice cream..just be careful with how much of any you eat..What cardio can be done with a bad knee?
Brisk walking, swimming, eliptical, even a stationary bike..I dont understand any of the exercises you write, can you explain them?
I can try- I hope to upload video demonstrations soon so stay tuned..there are so many different ones it would take to long to can easily google any of the exercise names and a full demonstration with pictures will be available.Do you use heavy weights? Will they make me look bulky?
Depends what I'm doing- I go back and forth. Using heavy weights will not make you look bulky- woman dont have enough testosterone for that. Using heavy weights will increase your stregnth and develop toned sculpted muscles- not big bulky ones.Can you describe exactly how to make "The Protein Pancake"?
The most common question of the goesCook half cup oatmeal in 1 cup water (or add 1 cup boiling water to oatmeal) (I use Quaker Oats)
Add 1/4 cup egg whites to cooked oatmeal
Add cinammon, vanilla extract, truvia
Mix all up, pour onto skillet sprayed with cooking spray
Cook 5-7 minutes each side.
I've been getting lotsa emails with variations..So once you've cooked your oatmeal and added your egg whites feel free to try adding any of these:
almond milk, reg milk, soy milk, agave nectar, flax seeds, wheat germ, oat bran, ginger, nutmeg, whole eggs, protein powder, pumpkin puree, peanut butter, almond butter, walnuts, craisins, chocolate chips, apple sauce...use ur imagination and get creative..
Also, once in cooked you can eat it topped off with bananas, berries, truvia and cinammon, peanut butter and jelly, chocolate spread, hazelnut spread...It can be a great treat when you need that little something sweet.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Run, Eat, RELAX, Repeat
Kinda crazy that the week is over already! That means SHABBOS! I seriously count down the seconds until Shabbos..nothing I look forward to more. In a sense, its my Yoga..the calm relaxing focusing on breath both physically and spiritually..its almost like G-d is saying.."Put some spirituality in your life woman, take these 25 hours as a gift"..the world can wait until Saturday night..
We had a blackout this week, all electricity was off for about 45 minutes. No phone, internet, tv, computer, stove top, oven, microwave, coffee machine- NADA! Needless to say, longest 45 minutes of my life! My daughter was napping- no one here- and with all my nervous energy I was going insane..
So thank you Shabbos for forcing this upon us, in a world of crack-berry''re appreciated more than you know..
Speaking of Yoga- committing to 2 times a week..gonna do for a month and see how I like it..8 times a month, 2 times a week, an hour a pop. Looking forward! (I think)
Breakfast was usual, and todays workout was
Jump Squats
Squat and overhead lift
Jogging in place with weight
Shadow Boxing
Shoulder Press with Calf Raises
Jumping jacks with side raises and overhead press
Squat Thrusts
Mountain Climbers
Jump Lunges
Platypus walk
Chest Press-tricep ext-chest fly
Circle Leg abs
Plank Rows and plank
Have a great weekend...Q and A will be up
We had a blackout this week, all electricity was off for about 45 minutes. No phone, internet, tv, computer, stove top, oven, microwave, coffee machine- NADA! Needless to say, longest 45 minutes of my life! My daughter was napping- no one here- and with all my nervous energy I was going insane..
So thank you Shabbos for forcing this upon us, in a world of crack-berry''re appreciated more than you know..
Speaking of Yoga- committing to 2 times a week..gonna do for a month and see how I like it..8 times a month, 2 times a week, an hour a pop. Looking forward! (I think)
Breakfast was usual, and todays workout was
Jump Squats
Squat and overhead lift
Jogging in place with weight
Shadow Boxing
Shoulder Press with Calf Raises
Jumping jacks with side raises and overhead press
Squat Thrusts
Mountain Climbers
Jump Lunges
Platypus walk
Chest Press-tricep ext-chest fly
Circle Leg abs
Plank Rows and plank
Have a great weekend...Q and A will be up
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Heres my deal with Yoga. It's about relaxing, breathing, good energy, stretching, slowing down, finding that "inner peace"...I have such a hard time with it. I love the workout, I've done it numerous times, was even a Bikram Yoga addict for a year- but I feel like I need to get into the "Yoga Groove". I have such a hard time just relaxing and focusing on my breathing. It feels like I'll never mind my inner peace cuz I dont think I have one!
The reason I work out with my clients is b/c I just cant sit still. I've tried so many times- but after a few moves I give up and grab the damn weights. If I'm on the computer, I'm talking, texting, chatting, emailing, feeding, making lunches, cleaning, and writing a blog. Could just be the life of a mother, we get used to the constant hussle and bussle and dont even take time to breathe. So, slowing down- focusing-breathing-concentrating unfortunately is very hard for me. When I'm supposed to focus on breath I focus on my To-Do list..and the list goes on and on..
I enjoyed Body by Betheny today, half way into it Sarah woke up from her nap so we did it together :) The hardest thing for me was to give in to the fact that its ok for me to relax while doing it. I definately felt it was a great overall workout for the arms, abs, and thighs- done in a very different way than I'm used to..but its something that as a wife, mom, trainer, woman, person- I feel I could really benefit from, for more than just the workout. So, to yoga or not to yoga? I'm thinking of committing myself to at least twice a week for an hour. I havent fully decided yet cuz I dont want to make any commitments Im not sure I'm ready to keep.
After my Yoga adventure, it was day as usual. Breakfast was reg. Lunch was fruit with another protein pancake, this time I put some p.b and J on it. Dinner was Pizza Nosh (local joint here) I got salad and veggie soup..they happen to make the best pizza out there..I was quite tempted to steal a slice..but if I do have pizza I like to do it on the weekends- I need my week to be super strict so I enjoy it!
Gonna sleep on the Yoga idea tonight..
Heres my deal with Yoga. It's about relaxing, breathing, good energy, stretching, slowing down, finding that "inner peace"...I have such a hard time with it. I love the workout, I've done it numerous times, was even a Bikram Yoga addict for a year- but I feel like I need to get into the "Yoga Groove". I have such a hard time just relaxing and focusing on my breathing. It feels like I'll never mind my inner peace cuz I dont think I have one!
The reason I work out with my clients is b/c I just cant sit still. I've tried so many times- but after a few moves I give up and grab the damn weights. If I'm on the computer, I'm talking, texting, chatting, emailing, feeding, making lunches, cleaning, and writing a blog. Could just be the life of a mother, we get used to the constant hussle and bussle and dont even take time to breathe. So, slowing down- focusing-breathing-concentrating unfortunately is very hard for me. When I'm supposed to focus on breath I focus on my To-Do list..and the list goes on and on..
I enjoyed Body by Betheny today, half way into it Sarah woke up from her nap so we did it together :) The hardest thing for me was to give in to the fact that its ok for me to relax while doing it. I definately felt it was a great overall workout for the arms, abs, and thighs- done in a very different way than I'm used to..but its something that as a wife, mom, trainer, woman, person- I feel I could really benefit from, for more than just the workout. So, to yoga or not to yoga? I'm thinking of committing myself to at least twice a week for an hour. I havent fully decided yet cuz I dont want to make any commitments Im not sure I'm ready to keep.
After my Yoga adventure, it was day as usual. Breakfast was reg. Lunch was fruit with another protein pancake, this time I put some p.b and J on it. Dinner was Pizza Nosh (local joint here) I got salad and veggie soup..they happen to make the best pizza out there..I was quite tempted to steal a slice..but if I do have pizza I like to do it on the weekends- I need my week to be super strict so I enjoy it!
Gonna sleep on the Yoga idea tonight..
Are you staring at my Biceps?
The biceps are one of my most favorite muscles to work with. When toned properly they represent dedication, hard work, and a sense of pride in developing the muscles of ones body. They act as an assisting muscle when toning your upper body, but when you single them out you really start seeing major definition..behold that nice sculpted curved look :)
Grab a pair of handweights anywhere from 5-12 lbs. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Glue your elbows into your sides- dont move them. With weights down at your sides- slowly curl the weight up, completely bending the elbow, and slowly lower it down. Do each move slowly. When you come down slow, you hit your triceps also...2 for one baby! Do 12-15 reps..and do 3 sets of them. Remember do em slow..its not a race, and the slower you do them, the harder your muscles have to work.
You can do so many variations with the bicep curl. Standing, sitting, lunging, squatting. with weights, with resistance bands- whatever you chose...
I have a client Lesley- when she first came to me I told her immediately that she had an amazing upper body to sculpt..when she was working her biceps the other day I told her to stop cuz I just had to take a picture..I love love love seeing this! Keep it up lady!
So late morning..breakfast so far is green tea and grapefruit..I'm gonna try some yoga- I've been meaning to try Body by Betheny..if you're ever seen Real Housewives on NY (a guilty pleasure) you know Betheny Frankel- she has a Yoga DVD that I've wanted to try- today seems like the perfect day...
Grab a pair of handweights anywhere from 5-12 lbs. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Glue your elbows into your sides- dont move them. With weights down at your sides- slowly curl the weight up, completely bending the elbow, and slowly lower it down. Do each move slowly. When you come down slow, you hit your triceps also...2 for one baby! Do 12-15 reps..and do 3 sets of them. Remember do em slow..its not a race, and the slower you do them, the harder your muscles have to work.
You can do so many variations with the bicep curl. Standing, sitting, lunging, squatting. with weights, with resistance bands- whatever you chose...
I have a client Lesley- when she first came to me I told her immediately that she had an amazing upper body to sculpt..when she was working her biceps the other day I told her to stop cuz I just had to take a picture..I love love love seeing this! Keep it up lady!
So late morning..breakfast so far is green tea and grapefruit..I'm gonna try some yoga- I've been meaning to try Body by Betheny..if you're ever seen Real Housewives on NY (a guilty pleasure) you know Betheny Frankel- she has a Yoga DVD that I've wanted to try- today seems like the perfect day...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Have you ever seen the Rain?
I had my heart set to run tonight- and run I did! No- it wasn't had actually just finished and if theres anything better than running in the rain, its running right after the rain. The air is so fresh, the clouds are grey, its so quiet and peaceful. 45 minutes of the ultimate detox..
I managed to stay off carbs after breakfast. I had veggies with egg whites for lunch, an apple and pear as a snack, and chicken-cauliflower-and salsa for dinner...
I feel back on track- no clients in the a.m. and this weather is screaming "movie night"...but movie night means popcorn..
Off to a good start..
Good Morning Charlie..they have nothing to do with this post but who doesn't love a trio of hardcore kick-butt women?
7 a.m.'s workout was
20 push ups, 20 leg lifts, 15 push ups, 20 legs lifts, 10 push ups, 20 leg lifts, 5 push ups, 20 leg lifts
squat and press for 30
oblique stretches
tricep dip with leg raised
bicep curl on resistance band
wide dumbell row
30 oblique twists
planks for 2 min to finish it off
Then green tea and grapefruit and workout #2
1 min push ups
1 min side squat with bicep curl
2 min jump rope
1 min full sit ups
1 min chest presses
1 min rows
1 min kick-backs
1 min high knees
1 min reverse crunches
1 min plank
1 min squat with front and side raises
1 min squat thrusts
1 min bicycle crunches
1 min leg lunge- then switch leg
1 min low lunge with tricep ext
30 second mountain climbers, 30 seconds burpees, 30 seconds jumping jacks..
Now breakfast- more clients- food shopping- errands- and a possible late night client if I'm up for it!
I've been carb-loading a bit much this week..I'm going to attempt to cut carbs the rest of the day..I've had my oatmeal in the morning and I hope to stick with lean proteins and veggies the rest of the day just to get back on track..
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Happy the day is over!!!
Today was not a day I'm proud to blog- but we all have these days and today was one of them :(
Breakfast was usual- but then my walk was disrupted by the rain..plan B was disrupted by the blackout..and the overall mood of the day was gloom..
I went to get Chaya from school and the sun came out! So, put both of them in the stroller and decided to do an hour walk..
Yes, Sarah is still in PJ' of those days! They look happy and content right?? WRONG! The first 20 minutes were fine but of course when I'm on the other side of town Chaya decides she's thirsty and blows a fit that I'm not stopping everything I'm doing to get her water and Sarah needs to copy everything her big sister does so why not blow a fit also??!!! So, harmoniously they made my walk back seem like it would never end..
Hence, dinner was peanut butter puffins! They never tasted so good!
Tomorrows workout will start at 7 and a good run is very very much needed!!
Breakfast was usual- but then my walk was disrupted by the rain..plan B was disrupted by the blackout..and the overall mood of the day was gloom..
I went to get Chaya from school and the sun came out! So, put both of them in the stroller and decided to do an hour walk..
Yes, Sarah is still in PJ' of those days! They look happy and content right?? WRONG! The first 20 minutes were fine but of course when I'm on the other side of town Chaya decides she's thirsty and blows a fit that I'm not stopping everything I'm doing to get her water and Sarah needs to copy everything her big sister does so why not blow a fit also??!!! So, harmoniously they made my walk back seem like it would never end..
Hence, dinner was peanut butter puffins! They never tasted so good!
Tomorrows workout will start at 7 and a good run is very very much needed!!
Care to indulge?
Last night after I finished eating dinner I had this desperate need for something sweet. Happens every now and then- sometimes I think it has to do with the flavors of what I just ate..maybe the combinations of certain foods triggers craving for sweet?? Who knows..So I had a nice bowl of Cherry Chocolate Chip Soy ice cream from Trader Joes..mission accomplished-satisfied!
I have a few go to things I reach for when I need that little something sweet or even salty..just those foods I dont eat all the time..but every once in a while I like to have..
Peanut Butter Puffins..'nuf said! I could live on those..but b/c I will literally finish a box in one sitting I limit myslf to having only a cup when I need that peanut buttery crunch.
Dried Fruit: Very high in calories- yet another one of those foods I love but need to limit. Trader Joes makes the best DRIED MANGO ever...but be careful- they are addicting!!! So again, its not a daily thing- but an extra sweet treat.
Sugar Free Fat Free Choc. Pudding- At the market you can get these powders for pudding..the picture shows that its dairy but they Pareve ones..I make it with almond milk and have it with bananas! Pretty gosh darn good..
Coconut Milk or Soy Ice Cream..I'm not a dairy person..but every once in a while a girls gotta have her Ice Cream. I have these in my freezer..over the summer I would have a half a cup every day...I've cut back on it though..only having a bit every once in a while..
Nuts and Raisins- sometimes I'll throw in some chocolate chips..again high in calories but a great sweet and salty snack..
Now I'm hungry..argghh! So far breakfast was usual..and I feel like G-d is not loving me today..started my walk with the baby and it started raining..decided I'd try some yoga from Direct TV and the power goes out!!! I'm trying here!! Meanwhile I'm in one of those moods where I'm thinking of the million and one things on my to do list and too lazy to attempt anything. Its just one of those days..I just wanna stay in pj's-in bed- and watch CSI...I need to go through the girls clothes..clearly summer is over and Chaya needs to stop wearing shorts to school..ok ok I can do this.
I have a few go to things I reach for when I need that little something sweet or even salty..just those foods I dont eat all the time..but every once in a while I like to have..
Peanut Butter Puffins..'nuf said! I could live on those..but b/c I will literally finish a box in one sitting I limit myslf to having only a cup when I need that peanut buttery crunch.
Dried Fruit: Very high in calories- yet another one of those foods I love but need to limit. Trader Joes makes the best DRIED MANGO ever...but be careful- they are addicting!!! So again, its not a daily thing- but an extra sweet treat.
Sugar Free Fat Free Choc. Pudding- At the market you can get these powders for pudding..the picture shows that its dairy but they Pareve ones..I make it with almond milk and have it with bananas! Pretty gosh darn good..
Coconut Milk or Soy Ice Cream..I'm not a dairy person..but every once in a while a girls gotta have her Ice Cream. I have these in my freezer..over the summer I would have a half a cup every day...I've cut back on it though..only having a bit every once in a while..
Nuts and Raisins- sometimes I'll throw in some chocolate chips..again high in calories but a great sweet and salty snack..
Now I'm hungry..argghh! So far breakfast was usual..and I feel like G-d is not loving me today..started my walk with the baby and it started raining..decided I'd try some yoga from Direct TV and the power goes out!!! I'm trying here!! Meanwhile I'm in one of those moods where I'm thinking of the million and one things on my to do list and too lazy to attempt anything. Its just one of those days..I just wanna stay in pj's-in bed- and watch CSI...I need to go through the girls clothes..clearly summer is over and Chaya needs to stop wearing shorts to school..ok ok I can do this.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The trainer that hates the gym..
If you own or manage a gym, dont read this. I've worked out at a gym since age 18, and have trained at a gym for months. I am not a fan of the gym. I understand if the gym is part of your daily routine but for many reasons I've opted out of the gym band wagon and joined an all natural way of working out- machine free! I have my many reasons- too many for blog..but I'll give you my biggies..
I cant go all out at the gym...I'm not sure about you, but when I'm working out I'm ugly, sweating, making faces and will occasionally scream or grunt. Can't do that at the gym (well you could with the eyes of other members staring you down-been there done that)
It started becoming a social thing..."going to the gym" meant an activity.I'd go with a friend..hop on a machine- hate the machine- enjoy just talking to the friend..sit on those "free muscle machines" (talk about that later) and just chat chat chat. It meant if friend didnt go, I didnt go...
I was more focused on how I looked than what I was doing..just being honest here!!
It can be intimidating...before I became certified or knew anything about fitness I always felt that gym goers and especially trainers were staring at me thinking "she doesnt know what the hell she's doing"..and then I'd always get the sales pitch from the trainers, "Hear let me show you the proper way to do that, if you want I could schedule you in for a consultation and you could walk away spending 500 dollars on 6 personal training sessions..NO THANK U- I DONT REALLY WANT TO BE TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW LET ALONE BE HERE! (ok thats a little extreme)
My main reason for opting out and even discouraging clients to join is simply because it puts the idea in your head that if you cant get to the gym you cannot work out. You become used to the gym being your "workout zone" and without it you feel incapable of moving your body. You can completely tranform your body with as little as a pair of weights and a mat on the floor. You dont need equipment, machines, steps, boxes, ropes, etc..yes- they help..and once you've got basics down you can easily incorporate anything you want into your workouts...but the idea that you need these gadgets to workout is bogus. Dont get sucked into that- use what you have..You have no idea the things you could do at home- outside..anywhere!
All in all, we all have our reasons. Point blank- your workouts should not dependant on anything..if you have two arms and two feet you're a perfect candidate right here right now. End of story.
Today's food was usual breakfast
apples, nuts, carrots and chumus for lunch
brown rice, turkey and veggies for dinner..
Today's workout was mentioned in previous arms are sore...
For the love of the Game..
Sunday started off with the usual breakfast and then a grueling workout with a friend consisting of
Push ups to T-stand
Jump Squats
Deep lunge and Bicep Curl
Plie Squat and shoulder press
Bicycle Abs
Plank Rows
Tricep Dips
Hammer Curls
Burpees and Running up Hill..
Was fun and great to catch up with Allyson who happens to be a triathlete- very inspiring- and such a great feeling seeing her sweat buckets!

After the workout we had a nice lazy Sunday-lunch was Spinach salad with turkey breast and acorn squash..we went out to dinner to my husbands favorite place- Jeff's Gourmet. Now, as much as I love a great burger once in a while the menu in Jeffs is very limited for someone who's cautious with what they eat.
I typically get a salad with grilled chicken breast and a soup if they have one..I decided to be adventurous and try something new so I order a fajita chicken wrap..its basicly grilled chicken with a ton of veggies in a spinach wrap with fajita sauce..was sooooo spicy yet so what I would typically eat for dinner but a nice spicy change..
There are so many things we can learn from athletes...what I love about watching them is just seeing that they're normal human beings like all of us that strive for 100% excellence in what they do. They have to! They are competing against others that have the same goals as them. They eat well, train hard, play hard and never give up..
But most importantly you find with athletes that all their hard work and training is part of their journey-not their destination. They are continuously pushing themselves and putting in hours of hard work to just play the game they love. Like they say its all "for the love of the game". Many times we say we will work hard so that we fit into something, or lose the last couple lbs, we pick an end date or destination and then give it up all up. Living this lifestyle CANNOT BE BASED ON A needs a life-long "commitment to the game" needs to be your journey- and a journey you love and accept it as a goal for life..and not a goal until you lose the last 10 lbs..
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