Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What the bleep were those cards about?

The other day I posted this picture of cards on my facebook asking anyone if they knew what they were for..squats and lunges was the closest response. Yes you do squats with these..but how?

The idea is that you're doing 100 squats. Before starting this exercise you must make sure your form is good- so that you dont hurt your back. You're starting straight, feet are shoulder width apart. When you squat down to pick up the card, you're using you squat to bring you down to pick up the card. DO NOT bend over to pick up the card- this will cause injury to your back. You will be doing a very deep squat to allow you to go low enough to pick up the card. Once you've got the squat down, you focus on speed. Up and down up and down- feel the burn. When doing this exercise imagine as if you're doing it with a friend, and its a competition who will win- better yet do it with a friend!

Stand at the front on the mat, in starting position.
Squat down pick up the first card.
Place the first card on top of the second card.
Pick up the first card and the second card SEPARATELY.
Place the first card, then the second on top of the third.
Pick up card one, then card, then card three.
Place card one, card two, card three on top of card 4.
You get the drift...

Your butt will be burning, your thighs will be screaming, your heart will be pounding, sweat will be dripping (especially once you start doing 20-30 cards) BUT they will thank you later!


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