Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years...

This morning was so super hard to wake up. I woke up at 6 and checked my phone for the weather and it says it was 28 degrees outside. Now- that may be nice and warm for New Yorkers but for someone like me- a Californian- born and raised and never plan to leave- that is pretty lip numbing cold. Now- I knew I needed to run this morning- Friday morning- last day of the week- final stretch- almost at the end of this 2 week cleanse and still sticking with it- I'm running- theres no way I'm talking myself out of this. I step outside to see what this bizarre 28 degrees feels like. Holy Moly- its cold. What to wear? Usually I run in my warm LuluLemon pants (thicker pants- you stay warmer- Zellas from Nordstroms are great too) with a skirt over, a thermal tee and a sweatshirt that I can rip off and tie around the waist when I warm up--- but I've never dealt with this weather before. In fact, I'd love tips from cold weather runners- what do you wear? So- I put on leggings, my Lulu's over the leggings- my husbands longer thicker socks, a tank, a thermal, a sweater- and a ski cap..I looked pathetic- I felt pathetic..I felt as if I was conditioning to run a race..When people run marathons they will put their body through difficult challenges like running in super cold or super hot, or where the air is different, uphill, etc- thats what I felt like. Anyways- I ran- and I felt proud of myself that I made myself do it in this weather.

I think theres something about circumstances being different- wether harder or easier that pushes us. Its like when you go to a beautiful beach and take a run of the beach. It seems so much easier- and peaceful.   The air around the beach is so fresh and the views just make time pass by so much quicker. Then there are harder times like this morning- where it seems like you need all the willpower in the world to run- but you do it anyways- I think it makes you a stronger individual- not only in the fitness aspect of your life but with all other areas as well.

So like I said before the New Year is here. Oprah once said something like "Cheers to the New Year and another chance for us to get it right". I personally think that the New Year is a Hallmark established holiday that basicly lets us take a second to regroup- get organised- and set out to make changes for the upcoming year. We really can do it anytime we so please- but the fact that there are millions of other people out there making resolutions to hit the gym and cut the sugar makes it ten times more fun.

For my New Years "Resolution" I need to commit myself to changing something both in the fitness world and in general life aswell. For some "taking it up a notch" can really mean slowing down. When you do weight lifting- the slower you go- the harder it is- meaning that going slow is actually better for you than rushing through it. I need to use that in my daily life. Sloooooooow down. I need to learn patience- badly. I need to learn to sit still. To be calm. To breathe. I never do this- I cant do this. I cant get a manicure cuz it takes too long- I cant sit through a haircut, a movie, a TV show- anything for that matter without getting antsy. I cant even sit and play with my kids without constantly thinking of my to do list. In fact, thats why Yoga has been so hard for me- its all about slowing down and focusing on your breathing. So 2011 is going to be about learning to breathe. My kids are getting older and I want time to stand still- but because thats not happening I'll try to slow it down as much as I can..

Happy New Years..

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Truth about Coke

So It's Day 10 of my 14 day cleanse. Yes- still doing it..wont go into detail of the eating b/c its pretty much all the same..although I do make omelettes and stews using veggie broth...its pretty good. The one thing I'm looking forward to adding is my carbs in the morning..once I get through that 11am-12am part I'm ok- but I need the energy in the morning to jumpstart my day.

I've never been a Soda drinker...well Regular Soda I should say..Diet Coke will always be my vice..but my husband pointed out this article to me that I thought was crazy!! For all those who drink Coke please read may make you think twice..

According to Healthbolt, here is what happens to you physiologically when you consume a can of Coke:
  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.
This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better.


New Years is coming up..and for New Years think about a good resolution..get creative..push yourself..2011 is gonna be a great year..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 7

Its Sunday evening- I'm happy I lasted this long on this cleanse so that I can share some of the expirience..the ups and downs and the difference I've been feeling..
Firstly heres a recap of Friday-Saturday- and Sunday.
I wont go into detail of all the food that I ate- but I thought that over the weekend it would be impossible to stick with. I've never used to watch anything I ate over the weekend so I thought that this was going to be a huge challenge. Suprisingly- it wasnt. Once I got passed the first 3 days of the cleanse which were extremely difficult- it has become so easy- almost second nature. Friday night I resisted the bread and desserts and just stuck with salad- which I added my own flax dressing- I was home so I had the freeodm to do that..the chicken soup- and chicken from the soup with green beans. I saved my last fruit for after dinner so I had some berries with a hot tea for dessert. The next day was pretty much the same- minus the soup and chicken from the soup- I just stuck with chicken breast. So- after 7 days and I plan to continue this for another 7- my only "cheat" was having an extra hard boiled egg and an extra fruit one of the days.

When people talk about "cleansing"- I'm not really sure as to what feeling they have or what they are trying to accomplish. My reason for doing it was to see "what does cleansing feel like". I've never done a cleanse before- simply b/c most of them are ones where actual food is not allowed or very limited and I need to eat. I'm always asked about cleanses, detoxes, juice fasts, etc- seems like everyone wants a nice refresher. So- after reading this book I decided to try it- not knowing what to expect. Like I said- the first few days were rough- and once I got the hang of it and my body got used to it and in a sense starting craving the fat flush foods. I have noticed a change in my energy. Generally after 4 pm I start feeling tired-sluggish- and desperate to just get into bed and go to sleep. Especially after eating a full dinner- my energy point was at a huge low. Now- since starting this- I'm not sure what it is about these foods or the combination of the foods but I have more energy than I'm used to. Yes I still get tired with the daily responsibilities I have- but I dont feel "sluggish"- and if just for that it's been worth it so far.
I used to have major mood swings. One second I'm happy go lucky the next anxious and nervous- then get upset at the smallest thing- I cant really explain it but it happened often. I've noticed that those ended- again not sure how or why- and it could be totally unrelated to the food but it's definately a difference I've noticed.
My skin feels smoother. Thank GD I have pretty good skin, but I do notice its been a lot clearer and smoother lately. Maybe I'm just over excited or these things are really happening- just throwing it out there..
I havent had a Diet Coke in a week- thats the longest I've ever gone- still crave it slightly- maybe a little more than slightly but we'll see what another week can do..

This cleanse has not been easy on the go..I'm on a 2 day trip and packing for it was quite tricky- but hey if theres a will theres a way and I've done 7 so not gonna stop now.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 4

I cant believe I've really been sticking with this cleanse..its only been 4 days and with the exception of an extra egg and a "really big cup of legal cheat coffee"..I've been pretty spot on and feeling very very good about it..of course I feel good at the end of the day, and when I just wake up- there are some very very hard moments throughout the day..but I keep telling myself- you've come this far..dont let it go for 4 days down..not bad..
Here was today
7:00- cranberry cocktail followed by lemon water
8:00 am- bowl of berries- 40 minutes yoga
9:30 am- 2 soft eggs, cherry tomatoes- basil-lettuce- flax dressing
1:00- chicken, huge salad- spinach-lettuce-tomatoes-sprouts-brussels-peppers..the works
4 pm- must go to market and get meat
6 pm- shoulder steak on leafy salad, steamed asparagus and green beans with cherry tomatoes..see below- was pretty gosh darn good!

8pm- apple and coffee (hey I didnt have it in the morning and they say its a legal cheat!)

Shabbos will be hard. Very Very hard. What to do. I'll sleep on it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 3

I woke up hungry- as usual so Day 3 started with
6:30 a.m.- Cranberry Cocktail plus a grapefruit
8 am- blueberries- then went on 30 minute run
9 am- full body workout consisting of:
Push ups to T-stand
jump squats
pull ups
back lunge-bicep-shoulder
chest flies
lat pulls
ab tucks on matt
full sit up- oblique twist
tricep ext
Interestingly enough, I felt fine during the workout. I was skeptical as to how I was going to do- but my energy and stamina was still there- which is a huge huge perk for this cleanse..

10 am- 2 hard boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, steamed squash

11 am- still hungry..had my 2 fruit and breakfast..hmm..not in mood of more veggies..

11:30- grabbed another egg- dont tell anyone, and I sipped a 32 oz. bottle of cranberry water

1:00- broiled chicken, lg salad with everything in it- plus flax oil dressing-fresh lemon-garlic and shallots

4:00- more salad

6:30- dinner- chicken breast with steamed squash- more salad- and cranberry cocktail

I have to admit. I'm getting very sick of this food. As a huge salad lover I definately can eat the salads but the dressings of only flax are very limiting..and I think I needa get some lean meats- I'm gonna try and do that tomorrow- but switch up the veggies..maybe green beans and asparagus with fresh garlic and lemon- that will be a nice change..but still doing this- I feel good- my energy is great- still very bloated from all the veggies but that should pass soon enough...

Just for the sake of it- I came across this pic of Ginnifer Goodwin- I've never seen her look before. She looks so fresh- love her eyes. I think this is the ultimate day to night look. She just needs a bit more color on her lips..but you gotta love a nude lip..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2

Day Two:
Last night went to bed feeling very bloated! Brussel Sprouts can do that to you!! None the less I succesfully completed the first day and now onto the second.

7:30 am- Cranberry Cocktail
8:00 am- lemon water
9:30am- 1 cup blue berries
11:30 am- 2 hard boiled eggs- more brussel sprouts and cherry tomoatoes
Its 12 now- still a bit hungry- but havent had my coffee (legal cheat) so hopefully that gets me going- still tired and groggy

12:30- apple- starting to think about lunch- gonna sip the cranberry juice until 2 and have a big lunch

2:00- big salad with lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, red peppers cucumbers- flax seed oil- fresh lemon and sea salt, plus 3 mini turkey burgers

4:00 pm- steamed brussel sprouts with flax oil and fresh garlic

6:30 pm- broiled chicken breast, big salad with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, basil, fresh garlic, applie cider vinegar, and flax oil
plus one cranberry cocktail

OK- Its 7 and I cant tell if I'm hungry or just craving something sweet!! This is usually the time where I pile up on tons of fruit- especially once the kids are sleeping I like to relax with something sweet..I'm trying to take my mind off it- gonna make a hot lemon water and call it a night..Day 2 down- feels like eternity- but I can do this

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day One

I knew I was going to be starting this cleanse and I'm not sure what my energy will be like for high energy workouts- which is what I generally do. So- late Sunday night I made sure to get in a high cardio muscle sculpting workout. I did:
burpess with the bosu (hold onto upside down bosu- jump legs in-legs out-lift bosu over head and repeat)
push ups against bosu
pull ups on smith machine
jump squats on bosu
lunge and shoulder fly
abs curls on bench
bicycle cruch
ball tucks
squat-bicep curl-shoulder press
tricep ext
ball wide rows
chest press on bench

Day One:
I woke up this morning committed- ready- excited. I feel the need to psyche myself up when I take upon something new. Everything is mind of matter- so I tell myself I can do this and I will do this.

6:30 am- Woke up- had 8 ounces cranberry water (to make cranberry water I put 4 ounces 100% cranberry juice and 28 ounces water in a 32 ounce bottle) and I put a tablespoon of ground flax seeds in the cranberry juice- called the "Cranberry Cocktail".
7:00 am- hot lemon water
8:00 am grapefruit (went for 30 min run after grapefruit)
9:45 am 2 hardboiled eggs- brussel sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes- 1 cup organic coffee

I'm writing this as I go- and will publish at night. So far so good- I do not feel hungry (yet) and I have my bottle of cranberry water that I'll sip until I have a snack later on.

11:30- an apple
12:00 am- OK- getting hungry- too early for lunch- more cranberry water I guess
1:00- lunch!!! Big piece chicken breast (cooked with skins on but removed when eating) with a huge salad of lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, broccli, cauliflower, cabbage, onion, basil, cucumbers and dressing of fresh garlic, fresh shallots, apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon.

I made a big tray of salad so I can have it all day- and I made a container of the dressing.

The size of my salad kept me very full until about 4pm- started getting a little hungry so
4pm- more salad with a turkey burger
7pm- Before dinner I had another "Cranberry Cocktail" and then dinner of same salad, steamed brussel sprouts, and 2 turkey burgers.

Day one is over- well sorda- besides for the mid-morning hunger I was ok. I can tell this cleanse is going to take major will power- and I will probably get very very bored of the foods- but 2 weeks...I can do this!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Fat Flush

When I was pregnant with Sarah a friend of mine reccomended that I read this book by Ann Louise Gittleman.

I loved what I read in the book- and took upon myself her "Lifestyle Eating Plan". She believes that true detox begins with the liver- and in order to feel "cleansed" we must be eating liver cleansing foods. In a nutshell her eating lifestyle is broken down into 3 phases. The first phase is the true cleansing phase where we eliminate toxic foods in our system but cutting out certain foods from our diet and adding foods we dont usually eat. For instance, she has you start with a "cranberry cocktail" which is part unsweetened cranberry juice and hot water. She has you eliminating regulars oils and switching to only flax seed oil. For the first 2 weeks (cleasing phase) she has you eliminating carbs but allows up to 2 fruits a day- and as much veggies and lean proteins as you wish.

When I was pregnant I was unable to do the first part of this eating plan- I did the lifestyle eating part which it talks about later in the book. I truly felt a difference when following this book- what she writes makes a lot of sense and I reccomend reading this book. In my normal eating habits, I follow the basic idea of this book, and try implementing them into my eating lifestyle as much as possible.

I have been asked many times about cleanses, detoxes, fasts, fad diets- etc. I have not tried the "cleanse" part of this book yet but I will be doing so for the next 2 weeks and blogging my expirience. I will write what I eat, how I feel and if its easy-hard to maintain. I like the idea of this cleanse because you're allowed to EAT- and it is important to "clenase" our liver every once in a while but even more important to do it in a healthy way.

So today is shopping for the week and prepping. I am going to buy Unsweetened Cranberry Juice, (100% cranberry juice- they sell at Albertons) ground flax seeds, flax seed oil, tons of veggies, lean proteins, eggs, grapefruits, apples, strawberries and blueberries and whatever other fruits look good at the market.

I've never done this type of cleanse and I'm excited to try it. The first phase is 2 weeks long and with anything new in life will take dedication, commitment and a lot of mind over matter. So- cheers to a clean detoxed liver- and 2 weeks of flax seed oil and "cranberry cocktails" :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workout like a Star..

At the risk of sounding super vain- I'll just have to say it anyways. Whether it be true or not- I find celebrity eating and gym habbits an inspiration and a motivational tool. Yes- they are paid to look good. Yes- they have the money to afford a Personal Trainer- a chef- and a personal body guard to make sure they dont touch that piece of bread- and on top of all that- 99.9 percent of all the photos we see of them are photo shopped to perfection which leaves us- the average folks out there- wondering how its at all possible for someone to look so good. Yes, a lot of them are beautiful in person- but lets not fool ourselves and get carried away with a strive for "perfection". Its not possible, we all have flaws- lets just strive to be healthy and look good 50% of the time. Having that said- heres are little bits and pieces of whats been said or done by celebs. True or not- is for you to decide- but take it as you wish and use the information to guide you in the right direction..

 Leighton Meester

“I hate working out for the sake of working out—it’s a chore. I hate going to the gym, and I don’t really care to do it. The one thing I love is yoga, and I do it at least four or five times a week. It’s pretty fast-paced. I never get bored.”

Nicole Scherzinger

“I’ve tried every diet out there and they don’t work, because eventually the diet ends and I want the foods that I restrain myself from eating.
“It’s about having everything in moderation as long as you’re staying active. I also try not to eat late at night, not after 7pm if I can help it.”

 Kate Hudson

“I am, by nature, active and I have to work out. I usually do two hours each day when I’m at home. I dance, I like to spin.

“It’s better to eat things like apple with a tablespoon of almond butter, or dark chocolate of you have a sweet tooth.”

Mandy Moore

“There have been times when *dieting* was the first thing on my mind all the time. I was so affected and driven by that diet and what I’m eating and how much I’m exercising.”
“I’ve just realized in time that if it’s a constant thread in the background of my life… that’s when I’m the happiest and that’s when I feel the best about myself.”
“I’m not obsessive about dieting. If I want to have a burger and fries like I did the other night in the park, then I’m going to do that because that’s okay.”
 Natalie Portman 

****Natalie Portman recently played a ballerina in the movie Black Swan. She trained incredibly hard for this role and here's what has been said about it****

Working out eight hours at a time. Swimming a mile a day. Dancing despite bruised feet, aching muscles, and a displaced rib. Natalie Portman didn’t take the easy road in preparing to play ambitious ballerina Nina Sayers in Black Swan. But the 29-year-old actress says there was no other option. “So many of the emotional scenes happen while she’s dancing that there was no real way of getting around it,” explains Portman, whose character suffers a mind-bending nervous breakdown while rehearsing to dance the lead in a glitzy production of Swan Lake.
Although Portman did use a double for some of the more complicated choreography, she still had to look the part of a ballerina.
Portman says that not eating — or, rather, eating very little — is an essential part of a dancer’s lifestyle. “I’m a very short person, and you’re supposed to look very long,” she explains. “And you don’t have the bulk on you — which is, like, sick. The whole thing, I’m aware that it’s sick.”
…For the record, not all of Portman got smaller while training. “Dancers, even when they’re really frailly skinny, have a very strong butt. So Mary Helen [former New York City Ballet company member Mary Helen Bowers] did a lot of work on my butt,” she giggles. The result? “Definitely a huge, huge, um…change.”
 Heidi Klum

“The ultimate beauty secret for a woman getting older is, Don’t be too thin! It is always better to have a little meat on your bones. When you are just muscle, you end up being gaunt in the face, and that makes you look older by 5 or 10 years.”

Cameron Diaz

Blessed with a fast metabolism (pre Charlie's Angels, the former model claimed she hadn't exercised a day in her life) Diaz works out for strength, rather than weight loss. ''I always associated [exercise] with pain,'' Diaz, 38, has said. ''Then, for [Charlie's Angels], we worked out eight hours a day, five days a week for three months, and I learned what it felt like to be strong. Now that I know how that feels, I never want to be too far away from it.''
Apart from surfing, which Diaz likens to a ''religious experience'' (and trainers would call a core workout) Cam usually works out for an hour, five days weekly, often with a trainer. It's said she spends 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer and 30 minutes lifting light weights and doing Pilates.

Padma Lakshmi

You can try other forms of fitness exercise for weight loss, mix and match until you find a combination you truly enjoy and can do regularly. Whether it’s walking or weight lifting or swimming and sculpting classes or biking and boxing, seek a fitness exercise program for weight loss that includes both cardio exercise and strength fitness training activities.
In addition, Padma Lakshmi says that you have to make sure you are undergoing a fitness exercise program for the RIGHT reasons. She emphasized that her fitness exercise expectations are reasonable “I can’t expect to look immediately the way I looked before. It is about feeling good about yourself and being healthy.”

Rachel Bilson

Rachel Bilson credits her amazing shape to David Kirsch’s weight loss diet plan which is a weight loss diet plan followed by a lot of other celebrities as well. The David Kirsch’s weight loss diet plan was invented by a man named David Kirsch whose expertise draws from his diverse fitness training background to combine his knowledge of fitness exercise, good health and spiritual wellness in his approach to fitness exercise and nutrition. He’s a staunch advocate of mind-body conditioning exercises, teaching clients like Liv Tyler, Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum among many others.
Under the David Kirsch weight loss diet plan, Rachel practices his weight loss diet philosophy which he calls the ABCDEF diet plan. This is an acronym for the foods that one should avoid while on the Kirsch weight loss diet plan: alcohol, bread, starchy carbs, dairy, extra sweets, fruits and most fats.

I could spend all day doing this- theres a lot of good information here- who cares if theyre lying- you do it- let it work for you..and if none of the above gets you going..well heres a little pic to jump start you..gotta love those angels!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My worst weight gain culprit..

I personally feel that of all the reasons we gain weight- mindless eating is the biggest culprit. We generally have our ups and downs- occasional binges- splurges- even the all weekend food fests that leave us depressed and nautious for days..but beyond that is something we dont even realize we're doing- can happen any day any time- and we continue on as if nothing happened. I'll give you an example. Over the Holiday, we hosted a party at our house for friends. Naturally, the table was filled with all different types of foods-nuts-chips-veggies-popcorn-etc..snacky foods- my favorite! We were all sitting around the table talking, laughing, playing games,  and of course just popping whatever was next to us in our mouth. Now, thankfully the bowl of grapes was next to me..but after a couple minutes of talking and playing- I look down and notice the entire bowl of grapes are empty. How on earth did this happen??? We were invited to another party where I had a bowl of nuts in front of me- same exact scenario- but this time nuts are dangerously high in calories!! Then lastly- we were at event and there was a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels on the table- I saw them- decided to taste one but vowed I'd stop at one..put the bowl into a conversation with someone sitting next to me- and left the table staring at 2 empty bowls.  I find that this happens a lot to me- but it was brought to life over the Holiday where it happened over and over again. We dont realize what we're doing- were talking- distracted- having a good time until we literally consume thousands of empty calories when weve already eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's one thing to realize what were doing..see the cake, want the cake, debate back and forth, make deals with ourself, walk towards it, walk back, breathe in, contemplate- we give in- we eat the gosh darn good..a few minutes later- we regret it- or we dont..but a lot of our thoughts were focused on that piece of cake. Now imagine- double those calories being consumed and not even realizing you're doing it! It's a dangerous path so I've thought of a few things I will try next time and I'll say them outloud!

1.) Gum- always have it on me..if I'm chewing on gum I wont wanna take it out to chew on something else..
2.) Water Bottle- sometime I just need to put something in my mouth- so water should do it..ya right but its worth a try
3.) Sit near the veggies- if you finish a tray of carrots its a lot better than finishing a tray a cookies!
4.) Wear lip-gloss
5.) Make a hot cup of coffee or tea
6.) Go for a run before the event..Ive done that a few just exercised so why screw it up on the cookies anyways..

Food diary of today was usual breakfast, black bean salad with chicken and veggies for lunch with sugar free muffin, walnuts- raisins and grapes for snack- dinner is pending..have some turkey burgers in the oven--will have that with some grilled veggies and sweet potatoes..

Today's workout was 2 runs with 2 clients...totaled about an hour and change- and about 15 minutes of abs..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I got a good idea..

Everyday when my 3 year old daughter comes home from school she always has the most brilliant idea- and she says it exactly the same way- same time- same place- as if its a new magical idea she just thought of. We get home, she throws off her backpack- walks into the kitchen- sees her stool on the floor and the mixer on the counter and says "Hey Mommy- I got a good idea- lets make cookies together!!". Every single day. Every once in a while I give in- but when I do- she ends up eating half the batter before theyre  baked- and I have these hot smelling cookies staring at me in the face alll dayyyyy. My husband will eat one and say he's full- and my daugher only likes the batter- so who do you think get tormented by them all day? Exactly..

So- the other day- same thing happened- this time I'm getting smart. I suck at following recipies so I whip out oatmeal, egg whites, vanilla, agave nectar, baking soda, oatbran, craisins, apple sauce, and of course choc chips to make it look like the real deal- and voila' we have a new found favorite chocolate chip cookie.

My eating over Chanuka has been pretty much the same- I'm not a fan of the fried foods but I did have one too many bags of chocolate coins. Workouts have been the same- I've increased my running a bit more and for the past 2 weeks I've cut back on weights every day- gonna try to build a bit again so I'm gonna do weights 3 days a week to let them rest in between.

I made a Turkey Chilli the other night- well not really a Chilli cuz I didnt put beans in it but saying Chilli sounds so much cooler. I sauteed onions, garlic and jalapenos in a tablespoon of oil for 12 minutes till it got crispy looking- I added zuccini, squash, red bell pepper and sauteed another 5 minutes. I added lean ground turkey breast, mixed that in there- and then season with salt-pepper- tomato sauce-tamari sauce-chilli flakes-and vegetable stock. Turned it to low and let it sit for 25 min covered. Was good and spicy. I had it with quinoa and brussel sprouts- very hardy meal.

Oh- also- I was in Costco the other day and bought this salsa that looked good. Its called Salsa Fresca and basicly tastes like tons of roasted peppers chopped of- and its nice and spicy. I've had it with everything- omelettes-chickens-in salads- and its also great for parties with corn chips.

A little workout note- last week I lunged up hill about 6 times for a total of 55 lunges each set. My legs were on fire over the weekend- sitting down felt like a workout on its own. For great legs and a great burn- find a nice long hill and lunge it up. Walk in down and start all over again. Do as many as you can- 3 sets is great- aim for that!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Q and A

What are good healthy snacks for in between meals?
apple and peanut butter
rice cakes
kashi granola bars
celery and chumus
nuts and raisins
spelt or oat bran pretzels
plain yogurt with berries

How heavy of weights should I use?
Depends what you're doing and what you're using it for. If you're building muscle- you want to go heavy and aim for 12-15 reps- and add in some super heavy lifting with 6-8 reps. If you're doing it to tone- go lighter like 5-8 lbs and aim for 20-30 reps.

What to do about late night binging?
-get the foods you binge on out of the house
-dont eat after 7 (dinner should be your last bite before breakfast)
-shut lights off in your kitchen
-chew gum
-get book, magazine, movie, project, computer- anything to keep you busy
-if you can try getting out of the house
A note about binging: we typically have the urge to binge around the same time everyday- its almost as if its triggered by our body automatically- so trick your body out of it. The first few days will be super hard but eventually you're body will get the memo- and your will power will be stronger.

Whats a good workout for the butt area?
squats, lunges, dead lifts, leg raises, kick backs (sit on all fours- place weight behind ur knee- lift leg up towards sky 15 times- repeat with second leg)

Is Diet Soda bad for when you're trying to lose weight?
Everyone will give you a different answer. I drink it- dont see much of a weight gain or weight loss- it definately doesnt help in weight loss but I dont think drinking one a day will do much harm

Do you still do Yoga?
No- but not cuz I dont want to- if I had time I would

What do you about Chanuka- all the fried food?
Taste everything- eat nothing. Read the thanksgiving blog

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Ultimate..

With hard work- comes reward. With anything in life. Not necesarily is it always a tangible reward like behave nicely and mommy gives you candy corn- sometimes the feeling of success is a reward on its own. Study hard for tests- you're likely to get good grades. Graduate from a great college- you're likely to land a great job. Put in long hard hours at work and prove yourself- you're likely to get promoted. But what about the unknown? Its easy to venture into something when theres guarunteed results at the end- but what about blindly diving in? Not knowing whats to come? Its a lot of hours of hard work- and all you have is the hope that you will be successful. Take your weight for example. You've always wanted to lose weight. Weather it be 10 lbs or 50 lbs. You have the tools to get there- you know what needs to get done. But who's to know if it will even work? What if you gain it back? What if you dont even lose weight? You can read success story after success story but who's to know if you will be just as successful. Or worse- what if you've done it before- many times before- and see what success feels like only to have it ripped from you days after- you lost the 10 lbs by whichever method you chose- and a few days of binging and skipping workouts- you're back to where you started from. Sound familiar?

In reality- there are no promising results. Yes- there is science and numbers and it all does boil down to a mathematical equation..burn more calories than u consume and you will lose weight. But within all those numbers- deits-programs- promises- theres YOU. and you are the key component. You have to be willing to take a risk and have faith in yourself. Believe in you. If you doubt yourself you'll never get anywhere. I cant tell you how many times I hear the words, "I cant". "I give up". "Its too hard". "My body just doesnt want to lose weight" "It's never gonna happen". "Im doomed" "Whats wrong with me". Think those things- then honey I hate to break it to ya but you're causing this and you'll never get anywhere. Switch the I cants to I cans. Stop focusing on what you cant eat and focus on what you can eat. Stop focusing on which exercises you cant do and focus on what you can do. And for crying out loud- stop saying theres no hope- your mind is more powerful than you think and controls the actions you take- the phrase "Think good and it will be good" can change your life drastically is you actually try it. Believe it- and stick with it-through thick and thin- weight loss and weight gains. Easy runs and hard runs. Tired days and full of energy days. Busy days- crappy days- hormonal days- rainy days- kids driving you crazy days- husband driving you crazy days- bad hair days- feeling fat days- ANY DAY. B/c after all your hard work- one day you will look at yourself in the mirror and say "I did it."- and when that day comes- from then on you will have a new found respect for yourself- your commitment-and the affirmed faith that with positive attitude and putting in the effort- you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

I've always been a risk taker. Its in my genes- I live on the edge and never say no to a challenge. I've always loved clothing. I'm a jeans a t-shirt kinda girl but at the same time I'm a Rachel Zoe impersonator that thinks fur hats are bananas. It's been a dream of mine to open a clothing store. Not for the business aspect of it but those are perks- but simply cuz I love clothes- I love bargains- I like inexpensive clothing that looks like you're wearing something exclusively designer but in reality you paid 40 bucks for it. But hey- this was only a dream- and lets face- I'm a 23 year old girl raising 2 kids paycheck to paycheck- I went to Bais Chana High School and know nothing about starting a business. I'm terrible with numbers- math- and dont even know where to go to purchase the clothing.I know nothing about legal aspects- accounting-permits-wholesale-dbas-llcs- and anything related to opening a business. But the more I thought about it- the more I wanted to do it- so I blindly jumped in- not knowing where on earth this would take me. I decided I start small and slow. Take it step by step and see where it leads to. I learned the basics of opening up a store- what would my costs be- learned that it would be easier starting off in my house then having to pay rent and utilities- I found vendors that I loved that understand the look I'm going for in my store and work with me to make the clothing. I ran the idea by close family and friends and developed a great support system which I knew I would need at a time like this. After months of hard works- long days-long nights-traveling- and yes many set-backs and bumps on the road- but the encouragement of great friends and a very supportive husband- I had my first Trunk Show yesterday- and the success of the event is beyond anything I would have ever dreamed of. I can promise you- take risks- reasonable risks- have a passion for what you do- have faith in what you do- get support for what you're doing- and you WILL succeed. It starts whenever you start believing.