Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Fat Flush

When I was pregnant with Sarah a friend of mine reccomended that I read this book by Ann Louise Gittleman.

I loved what I read in the book- and took upon myself her "Lifestyle Eating Plan". She believes that true detox begins with the liver- and in order to feel "cleansed" we must be eating liver cleansing foods. In a nutshell her eating lifestyle is broken down into 3 phases. The first phase is the true cleansing phase where we eliminate toxic foods in our system but cutting out certain foods from our diet and adding foods we dont usually eat. For instance, she has you start with a "cranberry cocktail" which is part unsweetened cranberry juice and hot water. She has you eliminating regulars oils and switching to only flax seed oil. For the first 2 weeks (cleasing phase) she has you eliminating carbs but allows up to 2 fruits a day- and as much veggies and lean proteins as you wish.

When I was pregnant I was unable to do the first part of this eating plan- I did the lifestyle eating part which it talks about later in the book. I truly felt a difference when following this book- what she writes makes a lot of sense and I reccomend reading this book. In my normal eating habits, I follow the basic idea of this book, and try implementing them into my eating lifestyle as much as possible.

I have been asked many times about cleanses, detoxes, fasts, fad diets- etc. I have not tried the "cleanse" part of this book yet but I will be doing so for the next 2 weeks and blogging my expirience. I will write what I eat, how I feel and if its easy-hard to maintain. I like the idea of this cleanse because you're allowed to EAT- and it is important to "clenase" our liver every once in a while but even more important to do it in a healthy way.

So today is shopping for the week and prepping. I am going to buy Unsweetened Cranberry Juice, (100% cranberry juice- they sell at Albertons) ground flax seeds, flax seed oil, tons of veggies, lean proteins, eggs, grapefruits, apples, strawberries and blueberries and whatever other fruits look good at the market.

I've never done this type of cleanse and I'm excited to try it. The first phase is 2 weeks long and with anything new in life will take dedication, commitment and a lot of mind over matter. So- cheers to a clean detoxed liver- and 2 weeks of flax seed oil and "cranberry cocktails" :)

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