Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 3

I woke up hungry- as usual so Day 3 started with
6:30 a.m.- Cranberry Cocktail plus a grapefruit
8 am- blueberries- then went on 30 minute run
9 am- full body workout consisting of:
Push ups to T-stand
jump squats
pull ups
back lunge-bicep-shoulder
chest flies
lat pulls
ab tucks on matt
full sit up- oblique twist
tricep ext
Interestingly enough, I felt fine during the workout. I was skeptical as to how I was going to do- but my energy and stamina was still there- which is a huge huge perk for this cleanse..

10 am- 2 hard boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, steamed squash

11 am- still hungry..had my 2 fruit and breakfast..hmm..not in mood of more veggies..

11:30- grabbed another egg- dont tell anyone, and I sipped a 32 oz. bottle of cranberry water

1:00- broiled chicken, lg salad with everything in it- plus flax oil dressing-fresh lemon-garlic and shallots

4:00- more salad

6:30- dinner- chicken breast with steamed squash- more salad- and cranberry cocktail

I have to admit. I'm getting very sick of this food. As a huge salad lover I definately can eat the salads but the dressings of only flax are very limiting..and I think I needa get some lean meats- I'm gonna try and do that tomorrow- but switch up the veggies..maybe green beans and asparagus with fresh garlic and lemon- that will be a nice change..but still doing this- I feel good- my energy is great- still very bloated from all the veggies but that should pass soon enough...

Just for the sake of it- I came across this pic of Ginnifer Goodwin- I've never seen her look before. She looks so fresh- love her eyes. I think this is the ultimate day to night look. She just needs a bit more color on her lips..but you gotta love a nude lip..

1 comment:

  1. Rachel! Im on my second day and I totally know what you mean. Im kind of sick of the food , the cranberry juice is endless, and being bloated seems to be a regular symptom of the detox. But otherwise feeling great;) good luck on day 4!
