Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years...

This morning was so super hard to wake up. I woke up at 6 and checked my phone for the weather and it says it was 28 degrees outside. Now- that may be nice and warm for New Yorkers but for someone like me- a Californian- born and raised and never plan to leave- that is pretty lip numbing cold. Now- I knew I needed to run this morning- Friday morning- last day of the week- final stretch- almost at the end of this 2 week cleanse and still sticking with it- I'm running- theres no way I'm talking myself out of this. I step outside to see what this bizarre 28 degrees feels like. Holy Moly- its cold. What to wear? Usually I run in my warm LuluLemon pants (thicker pants- you stay warmer- Zellas from Nordstroms are great too) with a skirt over, a thermal tee and a sweatshirt that I can rip off and tie around the waist when I warm up--- but I've never dealt with this weather before. In fact, I'd love tips from cold weather runners- what do you wear? So- I put on leggings, my Lulu's over the leggings- my husbands longer thicker socks, a tank, a thermal, a sweater- and a ski cap..I looked pathetic- I felt pathetic..I felt as if I was conditioning to run a race..When people run marathons they will put their body through difficult challenges like running in super cold or super hot, or where the air is different, uphill, etc- thats what I felt like. Anyways- I ran- and I felt proud of myself that I made myself do it in this weather.

I think theres something about circumstances being different- wether harder or easier that pushes us. Its like when you go to a beautiful beach and take a run of the beach. It seems so much easier- and peaceful.   The air around the beach is so fresh and the views just make time pass by so much quicker. Then there are harder times like this morning- where it seems like you need all the willpower in the world to run- but you do it anyways- I think it makes you a stronger individual- not only in the fitness aspect of your life but with all other areas as well.

So like I said before the New Year is here. Oprah once said something like "Cheers to the New Year and another chance for us to get it right". I personally think that the New Year is a Hallmark established holiday that basicly lets us take a second to regroup- get organised- and set out to make changes for the upcoming year. We really can do it anytime we so please- but the fact that there are millions of other people out there making resolutions to hit the gym and cut the sugar makes it ten times more fun.

For my New Years "Resolution" I need to commit myself to changing something both in the fitness world and in general life aswell. For some "taking it up a notch" can really mean slowing down. When you do weight lifting- the slower you go- the harder it is- meaning that going slow is actually better for you than rushing through it. I need to use that in my daily life. Sloooooooow down. I need to learn patience- badly. I need to learn to sit still. To be calm. To breathe. I never do this- I cant do this. I cant get a manicure cuz it takes too long- I cant sit through a haircut, a movie, a TV show- anything for that matter without getting antsy. I cant even sit and play with my kids without constantly thinking of my to do list. In fact, thats why Yoga has been so hard for me- its all about slowing down and focusing on your breathing. So 2011 is going to be about learning to breathe. My kids are getting older and I want time to stand still- but because thats not happening I'll try to slow it down as much as I can..

Happy New Years..

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