Friday, January 7, 2011

Back to Basics..

Heres the results of THE FAT FLUSH. I loved it. While on it, I never felt better. Increased energy, level headed, felt lighter, healthier- my skin felt more clear. I wasnt moody, I had no cravings- it truly resulted in everything it preached about..and in the end I lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks. Now, after a few days off of it- heres "the after thoughts". 2 lbs have come back on, so I'm assuming its really 5 legitimate lbs.

It's expensive. No doubt the foods she wants you eating is more expensive than what you usually spend on foods. The cranberry juice is an extra expense- plus if flax seeds and flax oil are not part of your usual diet- you'll be coughing up a few more for that. Then adding in the vitamins and supplements- the all natural apple cider vinegar- the fresh herbs instead of usual spices- and you're talking an extra hundred on just supplies. But still- the foods are very good and very good for you- so its not an expense for nothing- I've become a huge fan of flax and dont think I would have ever tried if not for this cleanse.

Its very very hard to keep to when eating out. If you enjoy every once in a while going out to eat whether it be a quick lunch or nice dinner- its almost impossible to fully stick with this cleanse. Unless you're at the LifeStyle Eating part of the cleanse (the later part after a few weeks) theres nothing really you can eat out. I traveled a few days while doing this cleanse and it was near impossible- I had to pack my own proteins, steamed veggies- and the only thing you can really pick up on the go are fruits and raw veggies- I even brought along flax dressing. So- easier to stick with when you're at home and have time to prep- hard when you're on the go and need to eat out.

 Other than those biggies- a liver cleanse is a very smart yet challenging idea to be doing every once in a while. Some people may just have fatty livers and clearing out toxins and allowing your liver to function properly is always a good thing. However- use that same logic- cut back on fatty starchy foods- increase your veggies- clean out the junk in your system- and you're bound to cleanse you system. Its not rocket science- its applying what you know and sticking with it. Know the basics- you must. I wrote a blog for a friend's website- all about Your Post Baby Body but it really can be used for anyone- male and female- with kids or without. It has a lot of good info- so read through it fully.

LadyMama: 10 Tips For Your Post-Baby Bod: "By Rachel Laber Rachel's experience after gaining and losing weight from her first pregnancy encouraged her to become a certified Perso..."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,

    I found your blog through LadyMama, and am an overweight, frum mother. I am really looking for an intense way to jumpstart my body into healthier patterns (if it doesn't require full commitment and diet change (ex. Weight Watchers), I won't be able to stick with it. Ironic, huh?) - for someone just starting out, would you recommend this plan, or something else? When you did the fat flush, how did you adapt it to suit your kashrus needs? What supplements did you take, etc?

    Thank you for your help and inspiration!
