Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 7

Its Sunday evening- I'm happy I lasted this long on this cleanse so that I can share some of the expirience..the ups and downs and the difference I've been feeling..
Firstly heres a recap of Friday-Saturday- and Sunday.
I wont go into detail of all the food that I ate- but I thought that over the weekend it would be impossible to stick with. I've never used to watch anything I ate over the weekend so I thought that this was going to be a huge challenge. Suprisingly- it wasnt. Once I got passed the first 3 days of the cleanse which were extremely difficult- it has become so easy- almost second nature. Friday night I resisted the bread and desserts and just stuck with salad- which I added my own flax dressing- I was home so I had the freeodm to do that..the chicken soup- and chicken from the soup with green beans. I saved my last fruit for after dinner so I had some berries with a hot tea for dessert. The next day was pretty much the same- minus the soup and chicken from the soup- I just stuck with chicken breast. So- after 7 days and I plan to continue this for another 7- my only "cheat" was having an extra hard boiled egg and an extra fruit one of the days.

When people talk about "cleansing"- I'm not really sure as to what feeling they have or what they are trying to accomplish. My reason for doing it was to see "what does cleansing feel like". I've never done a cleanse before- simply b/c most of them are ones where actual food is not allowed or very limited and I need to eat. I'm always asked about cleanses, detoxes, juice fasts, etc- seems like everyone wants a nice refresher. So- after reading this book I decided to try it- not knowing what to expect. Like I said- the first few days were rough- and once I got the hang of it and my body got used to it and in a sense starting craving the fat flush foods. I have noticed a change in my energy. Generally after 4 pm I start feeling tired-sluggish- and desperate to just get into bed and go to sleep. Especially after eating a full dinner- my energy point was at a huge low. Now- since starting this- I'm not sure what it is about these foods or the combination of the foods but I have more energy than I'm used to. Yes I still get tired with the daily responsibilities I have- but I dont feel "sluggish"- and if just for that it's been worth it so far.
I used to have major mood swings. One second I'm happy go lucky the next anxious and nervous- then get upset at the smallest thing- I cant really explain it but it happened often. I've noticed that those ended- again not sure how or why- and it could be totally unrelated to the food but it's definately a difference I've noticed.
My skin feels smoother. Thank GD I have pretty good skin, but I do notice its been a lot clearer and smoother lately. Maybe I'm just over excited or these things are really happening- just throwing it out there..
I havent had a Diet Coke in a week- thats the longest I've ever gone- still crave it slightly- maybe a little more than slightly but we'll see what another week can do..

This cleanse has not been easy on the go..I'm on a 2 day trip and packing for it was quite tricky- but hey if theres a will theres a way and I've done 7 so not gonna stop now.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you for getting this far.
    I think you are feeling less lethargic because you are eating a low GI diet - which means your energy levels and satiety are more evenly maintained. This would most definitely also help you with the mood swings.
    And most importantly - cutting out diet coke and snacking on your cranberry cocktail -which is mostly water - would keep you much much more hydrated which will make your skin glow and also keep you feeling more energetic and moods more evenly maintained! I think its all about the water!!
