Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Miss me?

So someone saw me recently and says, "So you stopped working out these past few months?" I smiled- I know what she was talking about..just cuz I'm not writing about it doesnt mean I aint doing it!

Yesterday was Memorial Day, I had 2 clients that still wanted to work out. My day started with hill sprints and then a circuit training of
2 ball squats-2 push ups-2 side planks (done without resting for 10 sets)
Dead lifts while raising the leg
Squat deep and shoulder press with heavier weights than usual (15-20lbs)

In between each set I did 3 minutes of high energy cardio. Try this. 60 sec jumping jacks. 60 sec jump squats. 60 sec high knees.

Did that circuit 3 times.
The next client was a newer client and I dont work out with new clients. I had her doing toning exercises on the mat with hill sprints in between. Planks, leg lifts, scissors, jack knives, bicycle twists, and lots of poses that test your stregnth by having you hold them foreeevveerr!. Want a great ab firmer? Hold a plank 2 min, side plank 1 min, other side 1 min, back to standard for another 2 min. Ye- you're pretty much drenched at that moment!

My eating has been the same...strict during the week and let loose on the weekend. Lately I've been needing something sweet every night. My mouth just craves it. When fruit doesn't cut it I'll have some s.f.f.f (sugar free fat free) choc pudding. I made these turkey burgers yesterday for the next few days. I sauteed onion, mushroom, spinach with salt, pepper, red chilli flakes, cumin and some liquid amino acids (brags makes a good one, tastes like soy sauce). Then when that cooled I mixed it with ground turkey breast. Put it on the bbq till it got nice and charred on both sides, and voila. Last night I had it for dinner is lettuce wraps. I used big pieces of lettuce with tomatoes, pickles, onions, and salsa inside. I dipped it in ketchup as I do with almost everything else in my life- was great. I used them for lunch today with steamed brussel sprouts, and some brown rice.

Let's talk a little business here. Summer is coming up. For me, reality is the dread of wearing a swimsuit doesnt scare me simply b/c my lifestyle doesnt include parading the beach in tiny white bikini- BUT I do like to use anything and everything as motivation to kick things up a notch. If you're always doing the same thing and never push yourself harder you will never achieve something you've never achieved. Think about it, always do the same-you'll always see the same results. Stuck in a rut? Switch it up. Never get bored. For me- summer means light airy loose clothing. It mean long days out with the kids and lots of energy needed. It means beaches, parks, pools, zoos, water parks- all areas where you're out in the sun, on your feet- you want to be comfortable, you want to have energy, and lets face it- u wanna look good and FEEL great. Summer also translates into BBQs for me. My home becomes BBQ center every summer. We love to entertain and summer is the perfect time to do it. I used to dread BBQ's b/c of the amount of calories I'd consume without even thinking. They're always filled with chips, salsa, candy, meats, fries, bread, sauces, beer- the works- and not the best for those trying to eat better. So get prepared before summer with a new attitude and appreciation for your body and the food you put into it. Train yourself before to make the right choices, and do it in a way where you're not focusing on what you CANT have but on what you CAN have. Put daily exercise and activity into your summer plans NOW and get a jump start on them before summer hits. Prepare yourself mentally, and get into it physically.
So- think summer, think thin- and think about getting there now- committing now.

Nice to be back!

I'll get back into Q and A's..you can email your questions to RachelCFT@gmail.com or post them directly on the blog. 

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