Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Get comfortable with being "Uncomfortable"

You get how the picture connects right? Yet we all do it (most of us at least) Those high heelers- they kill- we ache- we smile- sweat- cry-but stride on proudly yet so adamant that "they are actually really comfortable"...BOLLUCKS! (As the Englishmen say- take it as you wish). We're all guilty of this, pain is beauty right? Yet why is it so hard for some of us to lace up our sneakers- get out there and sweat?

For me, it was the needing of "instant gratification"..Its very hard to commit to something, put in hours of hard work, restrain, restrict, run, press, jump, squat repeat, yet all for the hopes that in a few weeks or months it pays off. So where to go from here? I cant give answers I havent actually tried..again this isnt factual its all based on my own trials and errors. Setting small goals have always worked for me..even if its something thats not so significant but in the long run- it will help you get to your ultimate goal which is highly significant so tough it out a bit in the begining wont ya??

Now lets get to that comfort thing..a lot of us are "creatures of habit"..We get so comfortable doing something- whatever it is- that changing is hard. I've been so used to an old crappy Blackberry and everytime I tried to switch wether it be an Iphone, a new blackberry- anything I just couldnt do it. I would always refer back to my piece of junk that shut down on me every 4 minutes. Theres a level of reassurance when its comes to things were so used to- and a fear of the unknown and foreign territory when we venture out into something new. But where would we be if we all stuck to what we are comfortable with? So, I've tried Yoga. Its very different to what I'm used to- and such a challenge in so many ways. It makes me stop, concentrate, relax, stretch..all the things I never do- dont feel comfortable doing- but tell myself that 2 hours a week I MUST DO IT. So ye, its learning to get comfortable in an uncomfortable situations. Trying new things. You may love it, you may hate it..but you tried. So, adapt that to your fitness lifestyle..there are so many things out there to learn and love. Dancing, kick boxing, karate, zumba, krav maga, running, sprinting, swimming, tennis, basketball, spinning, biking, hiking, yoga, pilates, yogalates, hip hop, barre classes, rollerblading- u get my drift. Have fun with it, let it be new and exciting, and learn new things about yourself and the whole active world out there thats just waiting to be discovered.

Oh, and I've recently switched to the Blackberry Torch- and love it...

So- whats next? Hmm..maybe socializing?

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