Saturday, October 30, 2010

How it all started..

Hard Times. Looking back I cant believe I let myself come to that. It was a very sad and difficult part of my life. I hid in my house for the first few months after I gave birth, embarassed and humiliated. My journey began 4 months after giving birth- I was sobbing on my closet floor with nothing to wear- sick and tired of wearing maternity clothes.

So, I set out for the perfect diet. Going from one to the next. I started- maybe lasted a week or two- but ultimately couldn't keep up and didnt have the stamina for rigid calorie counting or carb restricting. I had a newborn and I needed energy. I needed to face the reality of my life, having a family to care for- yet also face the reality that I was 20 and weighed over 200 lbs.

The gym was Plan B. I ate whatever I needed for energy, and decided to focus on my workouts. When baby went to sleep at night, I hit the gym. I knew nothing. Do I start in this room or in that room? On this machine or that machine? Should I use the machine? Use weights? How heavy? How long? I was sick and tired of following other peoples preachings of what worked for them.My diet failures were haunting me and I decided to do it on my own. Try it out. Take baby steps and track my progress. So I did. Every night I watched other members, watched trainers, and tried anything and everything I felt would be beneficial. Some worked- some didnt. I started understanding the way my body worked and what types of exercises worked for me. If I absolutely dreading doing something- I forgot about it and never looked back. I needed the gym to be a pleasant expirience for me, one that I looked forward to- and not cringe at the thought of. I took my time, educated myself, became friends with all the trainers at my gym and learned everything I could just by watching them. It was their suggestion I get certified and share my knowledge with others. I did just that- got nationally certified- applied everything I learned to my own weight loss journey and succeeded. I did it slow, it took a very long year- but I committed myself to changing my life.

At first, I made myself do 45 minutes a night of cardio for 5 straight days. Whatever it was. It could be one machine, two machines, 3 machines, whatever. I stuck only to that for two weeks. Weight slowly came off. I added in some weight training. Ok- 3 nights cardio- 2 nights weights. More weight came off. Hmm- more weights? More cardio? Take a day off? Yoga? Classes? Through my journey, I've tried so many things and continue to try new things. One of the most valuable things I feel is important for every woman to know is that there is no one size fits all formula for working out. To each their own- but commit to what you chose- and ENJOY doing it.

During that process I learned all about nutrition and the different foods we eat. We all form different eating habits, and I knew when I needed more energy- more food- and where I could cut back slightly. I monitored my weight. I wrote in a journal everday- since the beginning I have always been very strict during the week and let myself relax over the weekend. I dont "diet". I have my way of eating and I enjoy healthy food. I will cut back on certain things if I feel the need to, and add when I feel I dont have enough energy. I love big portions, lots of food, good food- and take that all into account when creating my eating lifestyle.

I like my carbs in the morning. I get my workouts done in the morning so I could use all the energy I can get. I've found that oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and brown rice are the carbs that fill me up more than others. I dont like fish but I love chicken and taught myself so many different ways of cooking it. I know that I have days I cant look at chicken so I have alternatives when I need it. I know I'm a snacker and what foods are my weaknesses. I prepare my food, prepare myself- and know what I need to do in order to eat well that week.

I committed myself 3 years ago. I'm at a comfortable weight, and have remained at that weight since I got there (minus the second pregnancy). I learn new things each day about myself and my fitness journey..and the more I learn the more I love. I've never been comfortable with status quo- or mediocore. Go big or go in closing after all my preaching..if you believe you can do something- and put in the work to get there- you'll do it..and if you dont believe you can do it- then screw that and prove yourself wrong!


  1. rachel this is so awesome of you - so refreshing to be getting fitness-inspiration from someone i actually know vs. some random in Shape magazine...
    what i find most amazing is that you stayed in such great shape through your second pregnancy and after giving birth!!

  2. Are the pictures at the top and bottom of you?

  3. wow this is very telling and inspiring. I eat a very low fat diet ( gluten-free and vegetarian, for health reasons) but i would love to exercise more for health, because i am happy with my weight. Thanks for opening the door i need to get to the gym!

  4. Exercising for health is equally if not more important. Read blog I just posted- speaks about that!

  5. Thanks for the inspiration. I can't believe both sets of pics are you. I'm finally facing the fact that I have to lose weight - 40 lbs. There is no way I can call it baby fat anymore because my baby just turned 4! Hope to follow your advice and get moving soon.
