Friday, November 19, 2010

Back to Reality..

What a long week with so much to say- much to confess!! I was away from Monday till late last night. I had an engagement party in NY and arrived a day early to take care of some stuff in the city. Generally, when I go to NY I stay at my grandparents where every morning I wake up to a spread of anything and everything your heart desires- and my grandparents know by now exactly what I eat and the house is fully stocked with all my food. This time the situation was a bit different, and as far as food was concerned- I was completely on my own. How bad could it be? It cant be that hard right?...WRONG..very very bloody wrong!

I arrived late Monday night- I dont generally like to eat on planes cuz I get sick so I was good and hungry. Theres gotta be a decent place open late at night to get a good meal right?..Oh- WRONG AGAIN. I could very well be oblivious to NY resturaunts but as far as I was concerned- the local market would have to do. OK- crackers? Popcorn? Chumus? Pretzels? But it was so late at night..I hate eating heavy so late- espeically b/c I had to wake up early the next morning I didnt want to feel sick and have it ruin my day. I remembered I had an extra sandwhich in my bag but peanut butter tends to get me nautious and not something I like right before I go to bed. I put it in the fridge and knew it would come in handy. I had an apple and pretzels and called it a night. I felt like an anorexic girl with a growling stomach and a pouding headache. I shouldve been better prepared- me of all people. Its ok- tomorrow is a new day and I would do it right.

Tuesday morning arrives- and I ran straight to that fridge for my sandwhich. Filled me up? Ya right- I had to get to the city quick so I couldnt even stop off localy to pick up some food. Got dressed and headed out- stopped off at a store in the city and got some fruit- granola bars-nuts- protein bars- anything and everything with a kosher sign that could keep me going all day. I ate crap all day. My body wasnt used to it- I wasnt used to it. I had scheduled appointments one right after the other trying to knock off as much as possible in one day- so this was the epitomy of eating on the go- all I could think of was that I'm having dinner in the city- and how much I needed that dinner. Finally- dinner arrived. Oh- my workout of the day- I walked from 16th to 81st..I had 45 minutes to get there and hell no was I taking a taxi..those 45 minutes were intense- and with feet throbbing, head pounding, back aching, stomach growling and eyes burning (no sleep) I arrived at dinner. I ordered a big Angus Steak with a salad, and had some chumus and veggies as appetizers. Man was that good- well needed- well enjoyed..and the few glasses of Merlot didnt hurt either :)

Wednesday morning I had more time so I made sure to stop off and pick up good ole healthy food. I arrived at a local cafe and asked for an egg while omelette with a whole wheat bagel on the side.."We dont do egg whites"..Serioulsy? you have eggs? Do you want me to seperate them for you? Thank you to a friend behind the counter who convincing this other guy that ya "You can do egg whites"..I had a bowl of fruit, egg white omellette, whole wheat bagel and a coffee and headed back to the city. This day was more mellow with a stop at Dean and Deluca where I tried their nuts mixtures, dates, grapes, and a coffee- my breakfast was a bit later so lunch was smaller. I had dinner in Crown Heights that night at a local joint- left hungry- nuf said. Wednesday day was my aunts engagement party (reason of my trip- photo above). So I helped myself to all the salads and fruit at her party- plates were so small- makes you feel like a horse when you're going for your 8th refill.

To sum up- when you're on the go and not in your comfort zone- its very very hard. As prepared as I thought as I was- when push comes to shove sometimes you're forced with grabbing the granola bars, pretzels, etc- and even ice cream a few times (shh). It's OK. As much as I would have wished I could have eaten better I enjoyed every second of my trip- I have not yet weighed myself to see if and what damage had been done but I'm not all that concerned. Immediately when you go back to your old routines your body adjusts quickly. Vacations are fun- exciting-different- and are meant to be enjoyed like that. Eat the occasional ice cream, donut, pizza, wine- dont do it often but when you do- you better damn enjoy it and make it worth it.

My trip ended with a very fun family lunch with big appetities and even bigger personalities- finished off with a long non-ending flight back.

B/C I didnt have any form of organised exercise in NY I was glad to get back to clients early this morning. I started out with
Quick Up-Hill Jog
Walking lunges with 12 lbs
Closed leg Squat with 15 lbs
Leg Crosses
Deep Lunges
Plie Squats
Leg Szissors
Standard Squat with 15 lbs
An hour run combined with 2 clients..
Push Ups
Tricep Extensions
Side Planks
Back Rows
and lotsa ABs on the mat :)

Breakfast never tasted better, good ole grapefruit, Protein Pancake, and a coffee. Happy to be home- back to reality- and gotta get started on this Week Q and A..lotsa good Q's especially from my trip- met lotsa ppl with lots of questions. Ask yours at

Good Day Mates :)

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