Friday, November 26, 2010


So of all the topics I've been requested to write- Thanksgiving has been a biggy. Not only that- every magazine, T.V show, newspaper, and website dedicate the months leading up to Thanksgiving on how to survive the meal without gaining 10 lbs. What to eat the week before, what to drink, what to wear, how to eat the food- chew slow, drink water, take breaks, load up on veggies, wear tight clothes, wear red lipstick- I mean it's as if the general public never sits down for a meal! Oh- and then dont even get started on the day after- what to do with the leftovers! Yes, Thanksgiving is a wonderful family Holiday where we learn to give thanks and appreciate life- but in all fairness to us Jews- we do it every gosh darn week..not only that- we do it every week for about 25 hours straight.

So, for those that have requested Thanksgiving- here's my advice. Think of your meal as a wonderful opportunity to sit and relax with family and friends. Its not often that you enjoy this- so embrace every second. As for the food, I recently read a great book called "The Skinny Girl Diet". In a nutshell, it talks about allowing yourself to eat whatever you want- but only "tasting the food". So, when the author (Bethenny Frankel) goes out to dinner, she will order anything and everything her heart desires- but only taste a few bites of each thing. Now, while I can never survive on such an eating program in my day to day life- my appetite is too large and my financial budget is too small to order everything on a menu- I do however think it's a great method to have in mind when sitting down to a Thanksgiving feast. There will no doubt be many delicious foods to chose from- and foods that are all too delicious to pass up- so taste everything- but just a little bit. Load up on the healthy salads and proteins, make that the bulk of your meal, and have a couple bites of anything else your heart desires.

I had a few clients this morning but only worked out with one. We went for an hour run- I particularly love getting a long run in on any morning- not only for the fitness benefits of it but it really clears your head, your mind, empowers you for the day and puts you in a "Go get em girl" mood. And- on a day when theres no school and the whole world shuts down- boy do I need that!

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