Sunday, November 14, 2010

On the go..

(We should all be so lucky to travel in such style!)

It's very easy to develop a good routine and schedule when you're home and consistent with it. After a while, it starts becoming second nature- and hopefully you can get to a place where your body needs it and almost demands it from you. But what about when you're on the go? Just because you're on vacation doesnt mean you should give it all up- a lot of times we fall trap to completely letting ourselves go making it a lot harder to pick up where we left off when we come back. It's understandable if you're just going for a few days and have absolutely zero time- but just as you need to eat, shower, and sleep when you travel- your daily exercise is just as important.

When I'm traveling here are a few things I like to do.
a.) Go for a run. It's a great opportunity to check out the new location on your own terms. Just make sure you know where you're going. Look up a route before hand- or find a local park that has a directed path.

b.) Check out a new gym. They have one day even one week free guest passes- so why not check it out. Maybe take a class? It's always exciting in a new place, new people, new have fun with it.

c.) Try something new. Ever tried Bikram Yoga? Pilates? Kick-boxing? Check out the area and see if they offer any of these classes. Who knows- you may love it and make it part of your routine when you get home. Or- you may hate but hey- at least you tried!

d.) Do a no equipment required workout from your hotel room (or wherever you are). A workout I use a lot- especially when traveling is this one

It's 30 min- I try to get it in as often as I can- very effective and worth every second of those 30 minutes.

Also- if you're gone for a few days- instead of committing to a general "workout" tell yourself a time, place, etc and be precise. So- if you're gone Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday than say..OK- Tues morning before I do anything else I will go for a 45 minute run. Schedule it, prep it, and make sure you stick to it.

This week I'll be traveling- I havent yet decided what method I will use..a lot depends on the weather..but once I get there I will figure it out.

I have finished my no-carbing week. Just weighed myself and have some great a weekend recap..stay tuned :)

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