Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prescription Exercise?

Have you had your daily dose of exercise yet? Think about it- it reduces the risk of every chronicle disease known to man- its cheap- easily accesible- proven results-risk free- no side affects (besides for a bangin' body but we take what we can get right??) So just like you go to the doc to get ur meds for whatever's bugging you- the Doc's should say "OK- run this prescription over to the pharmacy and run back" No need to even go into the pharmacy..
Now there are obvious reasons one may need some real pills- but exercise is hands down proven to reduce the risk of many diseases- stregthens your bones- and ladies- reduces the risk of looking old and aged- helloooo botox??

So practically speaking- lets deal with basics. I've been getting emails with people saying..ok ok I'm reading- I'm ready..but now what? Whats the first step?

-Write down why you're doing this. There will be time times when you feel like you want to give up. Its not always fun and games- but the pay off is worth it I guaruntee it! Just believe in yourself..will ya!
-Plan your week- starting with food. Write down your meal plans for the week. What you will be eating and snacking on during the day. Buy it- prepare it. If everything is readily accesible you will eat it and stick with your plans.
-Get rid of the junk in your house thats not good for you. If its snacks for the spouse or the kids put it in a place that you cant easily reach. The highest or lowest shelf in ur pantry- or in a drawer somewhere harder to get to- if its not right in front of your face you're less likely to put in the effort to actually get it.
-Plan your workouts. Find something you like and will commit to for 5 days a week. Yes- 5 days. Commit M-F and take it easy on the weekends. They dont need to be long workouts- 30 minutes to an hour. Plan where you will be going, what time you will be going, what you will be doing, and if you need to arrange a babysitter or call on the husband for help- do it before hand! Don't wait till the last second because these days there always another gosh darn sports game on and they make great excuses for husbands!
-If you can afford it, I highly reccommend using a Personal Trainer to jump start you. They will teach you the basics, give you great examples, and answer any questions you may have. They will also work with you and your limitations..so definately an investment worth making..
-At the end of the week- when you've committed yourself and accomplished all that you set to do- write down how good you feel. It's a powerful feeling and it will motivate you to start all over again next week...

This mornings workout was an early one- woke up before the kids got up and did
Walk out Push ups to Tstand
Reverse Pulls
Shoulder and Front Raise
Tricep Dips
Hammer Curls
One arm Shoulder Press
Oblique Crunches
Weighted full sit ups

Breakfast was usual- and now for lunch....

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