Sunday, November 7, 2010

Q and A 3

What cardio is better- jogging or biking?
The general rule is 1 mile of jogging= 4 miles of biking. If you can jog- knees allowing it- than definately jogging.

I'm 4 weeks postpartum. What can I do with 2 kids and no sleep?
Wait until you're getting enough sleep!! Don't start any type of exercise until a.) you're at least 6 weeks postpartum and get the OK from a doctor and b.) You're emotionally ready. Don't start it at a time where you can barely stay awake- let alone sweat out a workout! If you start it at such a time you will no doubt come to dread it and regret it. Wait until things normal out a little bit..and I can promise you as a mom of 2 kids under 2 things will calm down. Then start slowly. Pick something you enjoy- commit to 3 days and work up till 5. Right now just focus on eating healthy which will help out a ton in weight loss. You are no doubt ravenous all the time, so make sure you're fueling up on the right foods.

How many times a week can I do weights?
Depends what you're doing them for. If you're using heavy weights to build up your muscle tone, then you should give them a day to rest in between work outs. If you're using light weights to assist in calorie burning workouts- then you can do them everday.

What's the quickest way to lose weight in a short amount of time?
Whenever I have an event and want to look my absolute best, I will TRY and cut carbs for a week or two before. I dont recommend it for long term weight loss, but something like the first stage of The South Beach diet is a great way to shred a few lbs in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, you may gain a bit back when you resume your normal eating habits. 

If I have only have 30 minutes a day to work out, what should I do?
Use every second of 30 minutes and dont stop! Think of high energy movement that get your heart racing. Sprinting, jumping jacks, jump lunges, jump squats, burpees, high knees, butt kicks- plan out 30 minutes with these type of movements.

How much can I lose in one week if I cut carbs?
Good question- try it! For each person its different. I will personally be trying it this week so I'll let you know. Weigh yourself the morning you start and weigh again a week later- in the morning.

What do you charge for Personal Training and how do I schedule a session?
I charge $45 a session, and you can email

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